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Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication Namespace

Provides a set of interfaces and their supporting classes and members that can be implemented in the class of a custom Web Part to support creating connections with other Web Parts. A Web Part can implement one or more of these interfaces to allow it to receive or pass information to other connected Web Parts on a Web Part Page. A Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication namespace interface is a set of events and event handlers for providing or consuming data from list, row, and cell data contained within a Web Part.


  Class Description
Public class CellConsumerInitEventArgs Obsolete. Identifies the initial argument structure for design time creation. These arguments are passed to the connected Web Part as part of the CellConsumerInit event to tell the connected Web Part what the name and display name of the cell is.
Public class CellProviderInitEventArgs Obsolete. Holds the data structure that is initialized when an ICellProvider Web Part creates a connection and fires a CellConsumerInit event to an ICellConsumer interface. Cannot be inherited.
Public class CellReadyEventArgs Obsolete. Provides the current cell value from a Web Part that implements the ICellProvider interface when the CellReady event occurs.
Public class FilterConsumerInitEventArgs Obsolete. Provides data for the FilterConsumerInit event. When a Web Part that implements the IFilterConsumer interface fires the FilterConsumerInit event, an instance of this class is passed to a Web Part that implements the IFilterProvider or IRowProvider interface that calls the FilterConsumerInit event handler to handle the event.
Public class InitEventArgs Obsolete. Represents the object type returned by the WebPart.GetInitEventArgs method.
Public class InterfaceTypes Obsolete. Provides a set of constant fields for specifying the interface type of a Web Part connection interface.
Public class ListProviderInitEventArgs Obsolete. Provides the field names and optional field display names for the list provided by a Web Part that implements the IListProviderinterface when the ListProviderInit event occurs.
Public class ListReadyEventArgs Obsolete. Provides the list of data to the ListReadyevent of the IListProviderinterface.
Public class ParameterInProperty Obsolete. Provides descriptive information about a parameter in a parameter list to the ParametersInConsumerInit event of the IParametersInConsumer interface
Public class ParameterOutProperty Obsolete. Provides descriptive information about a parameter in a parameter list to the ParametersOutProviderInit event of the IParametersOutProvider interface.
Public class ParametersInConsumerInitEventArgs Obsolete. Provides an array of parameter property values to the ParametersInConsumerInit initialization event of the IParametersInConsumer interface.
Public class ParametersInReadyEventArgs Obsolete. Provides an array of parameter values to the ParametersInReadyevent of the IParametersInProvider interface.
Public class ParametersOutProviderInitEventArgs Obsolete. Provides an array of parameter property values to the ParametersOutProviderInit initialization event of the IParametersOutProvider interface.
Public class ParametersOutReadyEventArgs Obsolete. Provides an array of parameter values to the ParametersOutReady event of the IParametersOutProvider interface.
Public class PartialListReadyEventArgs Obsolete. Provides the list of the first page of data to the PartialListReady event of the IListProvider interface.
Public class RowCellTransformControl Supports the user interface for specifying the column from a Web Part that implements the IRowProvider interface that will be used to connect to a Web Part that implements the ICellConsumer interface.
Public class RowFilterTransformControl Supports the user interface for specifying the column from a Web Part that implements the IRowProvider interface that will be used to filter a connected Web Part that implements the IFilterConsumer interface.
Public class RowProviderInitEventArgs Obsolete. Provides the field names and optional field display names for the row provided by a Web Part that implements the [T][:Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication.IRowProvider] interface when the RowProviderInit event occurs.
Public class RowReadyEventArgs Obsolete. Provides the current row value from a Web Part that implements the IRowProvider interface when the RowReady event occurs.
Public class SelectInterfaceGroups Represents the implementation for the user interface for selecting a target interface when the target Web Part has multiple compatible interfaces. This type supports Microsoft SharePoint Foundation and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class SetFilterEventArgs Obsolete. Provides a filter expression for a list to the SetFilterEvent of the IFilterProvider interface.


  Interface Description
Public interface ICellConsumer Obsolete.
Public interface ICellProvider Obsolete. Enables a Web Part to communicate with a Web Part that implements the ICellConsumer interface to work with a single value item.
Public interface IFilterConsumer Obsolete. Used to consume a filter expression from a Web Part that has implemented an IFilterProvider interface.
Public interface IFilterProvider Obsolete. Used to communicate with a Web Part that implements IFilterConsumer interface to provide filter information to the consumer.
Public interface IListConsumer Obsolete. Defines methods that a Web Part can implement so that it can consume an entire list (rowset) of data from another Web Part that implements the IListProvider interface.
Public interface IListProvider Obsolete. Defines events that a Web Part can implement so that it can provide an entire list (rowset) of data to another Web Part that implements the IListConsumer interface.
Public interface IParametersInConsumer Obsolete. Allows a consumer Web Part to communicate its parameter list to other Web Parts.
Public interface IParametersInProvider Obsolete. Allows a provider Web Part to communicate its parameter list to other consumer Web Parts.
Public interface IParametersOutConsumer Obsolete. Implements the IParametersOutProvider interface to communicate its parameter list to a consumer Web Part implementing this interface. These interfaces also allow passing through other information such as a selected row.
Public interface IParametersOutProvider Obsolete. Allows a provider Web Part to communicate its parameter list to other Web Parts.
Public interface IRowConsumer Obsolete. Enables a Web Part to communicate with a Web Part that implements the IRowProvider interface (or that supports a suitable transformer) to work with a row of data.
Public interface IRowProvider Obsolete. Enables a Web Part to send a row of data to a Web Part that implements the IRowConsumer, ICellConsumer, IFilterConsumer, or IParametersInConsumer interface.
Public interface IWebPartConnectionCompatibility Defines a way for a Web Part class to indicate that it cannot set up communication with other Web Parts.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate CellConsumerInitEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the CellConsumerInit event fired by a Web Part that implements the ICellConsumer interface.
Public delegate CellProviderInitEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the CellProviderInit event fired by a Web Part that implements the ICellProvider interface.
Public delegate CellReadyEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the CellReady event fired by a Web Part that implements the ICellProvider interface.
Public delegate ClearFilterEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the ClearFilter event fired by a Web Part that implements the IFilterProvider interface.
Public delegate FilterConsumerInitEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the FilterConsumerInit event fired by a Web Part that implements the IFilterConsumer interface.
Public delegate ListProviderInitEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the ListProviderInit event fired by a Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart class that implements the IListProviderinterface.
Public delegate ListReadyEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the ListReady event fired by a Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart class that implements the IListProvider interface.
Public delegate NoFilterEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the NoFilterevent fired by a Web Part that implements the IFilterProvider interface. Upon receiving a NoFilter event, a Web Part that implements the IFilterConsumer interface should reuse the existing filter for the list.
Public delegate NoParametersInEventHandler Obsolete.
Public delegate NoParametersOutEventHandler Obsolete.
Public delegate ParametersInConsumerInitEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the ParametersInConsumerInit event fired by a Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart class that implements the IParametersInConsumer interface.
Public delegate ParametersInReadyEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the ParametersInReady event fired by a Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart class that implements the IParametersInProvider interface.
Public delegate ParametersOutProviderInitEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the ParametersOutProviderInit event fired by a Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart class that implements the IParametersOutProviderinterface.
Public delegate ParametersOutReadyEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the ParametersOutReady event fired by a WebPart class that implements the IParametersOutProvider interface.
Public delegate PartialListReadyEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the PartialListReady event of a Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart class that implements the IListProviderinterface.
Public delegate RowProviderInitEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that handles the IRowProvider.RowProviderInitevent fired by a Web Part that implements the IRowProvider interface.
Public delegate RowReadyEventHandler Obsolete. Represents the method that will handle the RowReady event fired by a Web Part that implements the IRowProvider interface.
Public delegate SetFilterEventHandler Obsolete.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ConnectionRunAt Obsolete. Specifies whether the implementation of a Web Part connection interface can run on the server or by rendering client script.