vti_featurelist Meta-key
Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010
Value Type: String vector
Access Code: X
The value for this meta-key is a list of features supported in general by the server's version of FrontPage Server Extensions from Microsoft, but not by the Web server by itself. The possible features are divided into four sections below: Server Features, Service Features, Access Control Features, and Document Features.
Server Features
vti_serveremailtransport |
Server supports e-mail transport. |
vti_serverindexserver |
Server has index server running. |
vti_serverodbc |
Server supports Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). |
vti_serverasp |
Server supports Active Server Pages (ASP). |
Service Features
vti_servicerename |
Can rename a Web site. |
vti_serviceremove |
Can remove a Web site. |
vti_servicemarkurldirexec |
Can make a URL directory executable. |
vti_servicemarkurldirbrowse |
Can make a URL directory browsable. |
vti_servicestructurestore |
Can store and read navigational structure information. |
vti_servicethemes |
Can list and apply themes. |
vti_servicemarkurldirscript |
Can mark a URL directory scriptable. |
Access Control Features
vti_acall |
All access controls possible. |
vti_acregisteredendusers |
Restrict access to only registered users. |
vti_acipaddresses |
Set access by IP address. |
vti_accreatenewusers |
Can create users. |
vti_acchangepassword |
Can change current user's password. |
vti_acgroups |
Can do anything with groups. |
vti_acmodifygroups |
Can change members of groups. |
vti_accreatenewgroups |
Can create groups. |
vti_acusedomains |
Domain use supported. |
vti_ac20 |
Microsoft FrontPage 2.0 style access control. |
vti_acnousergroup |
Internal key (no defined use). |
Document Features
vti_docsavetodb |
Save to database bot. |