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QueryComponent Members

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Include Inherited Members

Manages an individual query component for a Search service application.

The QueryComponent type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property FailoverOnly Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the query component is queried only when all other query components for the index partition to which this query component is assigned are not online.
Public property Id Gets the identifier (ID) of the query component.
Public property IndexLocation Gets the directory path for the index file on the query server.
Public property IndexPartition Gets the index partition to which the query component is assigned.
Public property IndexPartitionId Gets the identifier (ID) of the index partition to which the query component is assigned.
Public property PropagationStatus Gets the propagation status of the query component.
Public property QueryTopology Gets the query topology of the Search service application to which the query component is assigned.
Public property TransitionActionName Gets the name of the current transition action.
Public property TransitionActionStartUtcTime Gets the date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format of when the transition started.
Public property TransitionError Gets the error message for the error that occurred during the execution of the query component transition.
Public property TransitionProgressPercent Gets the progress of the transition.
Public property TransitionSequenceName Gets the name of the most recent running transition.
Public property TransitionStatus Gets the status of the query component transition sequence.



  Name Description
Public method CancelTransition Cancels the transition.
Public method Delete Deletes the query component.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Recover Reinitializes the query component from an index partition.
Protected method Refresh Reloads the query component with the settings from the Search administration database. (Overrides SearchComponentRefresh().)
Public method RequestMasterMerge() Requests a master merge of all Catalog objects.
Public method RequestMasterMerge(Catalog) Requests a master merge on a specified Catalog objects.
Public method RequestRecover Reinitializes the query component from the index partition to which the query component has been assigned.
Public method RequestRetryTransition Requests to retry the latest transition.
Public method RetryTransition Retries the latest transition.
Public method SetOffline Sets the state of the current query component to offline.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See Also


QueryComponent Class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration Namespace