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SeriesDataBinding Members

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Provides a class to store the meta data for binding data series to a data source, and implements the series binding functionality.

The SeriesDataBinding type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SeriesDataBinding Initializes a new instance of the SeriesDataBinding class.



  Name Description
Public property ChartAreaName Gets or sets the name of the ChartArea object used to plot the data series.
Public property FormulaType Gets or sets the data formula type used for determining the series chart type.
Public property GroupField Gets or sets the name of the field used to group data into the series.
Public property HasMultipleYValue Gets the value that indicates whether the YFields property contains multiple values.
Public property LegendText Gets or sets the text of the series item shown in the legend.
Public property NewChartArea Gets or sets a flag indicating whether to create a new chart area.
Public property OtherFields Gets or sets the name of the other data point properties that can be bound.
Public property OtherFieldsHashtable Gets or sets a collection of key/value pairs to hold other data point properties that can be bound.
Public property Parameters Gets or sets the collection of parameters used when rendering a formula based on the series.
Public property SeriesName Gets or sets the name of the series.
Public property SeriesType Gets or sets the chart type for the series.
Public property ShowLegend Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the legend is shown.
Public property SortBy Gets or sets the field used for the sort.
Public property Sorting Gets or sets the order in which the series will be sorted by group field.
Public property XField Gets or sets the name of the field for the X value.
Public property YFields Gets or sets the comma-separated list of the names of the fields for one or more Y values.


See Also


SeriesDataBinding Class

Microsoft.Office.Server.WebControls Namespace