다음을 통해 공유

WorkItemTimerJobState Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Used to track state for each iteration through processing work items.

The WorkItemTimerJobState type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method WorkItemTimerJobState() Initializes a new instance of a WorkItemTimerJobState object.
Public method WorkItemTimerJobState(Boolean) Initializes a new instance of a WorkItemTimerJobState object
Public method WorkItemTimerJobState(Boolean, Boolean)



  Name Description
Public property Site Gets or sets the site collection for the current work item.
Public property User Gets or sets the user for the current work item.
Public property Web Gets or sets the site for the current work item.



  Name Description
Public method Dispose() Cleans up resources held by the work item state.
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) Cleans up resources held by the work item state.
Protected method Finalize Finalizes the timer job. (Overrides Object.Finalize().)
Protected method OnSiteChanged Called after changing the site for the next work item.
Protected method OnSiteChanging Called prior to changing the SPSite for the next work item.
Protected method OnWebChanged Called after changing the web for the next work item.
Protected method OnWebChanging Called prior to changing the web for the next work item.


See Also


WorkItemTimerJobState Class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities Namespace