Microsoft.SharePoint.dll APIs That Are Available from Sandboxed Solutions
This topic provides guidance about which APIs in the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll assembly can be called from code in a sandboxed solution.
Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010
Available in SharePoint Online
Calls from sandboxed solutions to APIs in SharePoint assemblies, other than Microsoft.SharePoint.dll, are subject to the same restrictions as any other calls from sandboxed solutions: Only assemblies with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute can be called, and only assemblies in the global assembly cache can be called. All APIs that are called are subject to the code access security (CAS) policy and the restricted security token of the sandboxed worker process. For more information, see Restrictions on Sandboxed Solutions in SharePoint 2010 and Available and Unavailable SharePoint Assemblies from Sandboxed Solutions in SharePoint 2010.
The Sandbox Solution framework provides a mechanism for executing user-provided code outside of the IIS worker process. The Sandbox Solution framework should not be used as a mechanism for enforcing security boundaries when executing user code. Sandbox Solutions are not supported as a security boundary with user code, especially code of unknown origin. We advise against executing Sandbox Solutions of unknown origins.
The Microsoft.SharePoint.dll assembly is a special case. Calls from sandboxed solutions to APIs in this assembly are both more and less restricted than calls to other SharePoint APIs.
Only a subset of the APIs in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll are available in sandboxed solutions.
However, those APIs that are available run in a special, fully trusted process and therefore are not subject to the restrictions of the sandboxed worker process. For example, the GetLocalizedString method can be called from a sandboxed solution even though it reads from the disk, something that is not allowed by code that actually runs within the sandboxed worker process.
Certain methods in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll can be called in sandboxed solutions only if the calling code conforms to certain restrictions on the values of the passed parameters. Also, certain properties in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll are read/write in farm solutions but read-only in sandboxed solutions. For more information, see Methods and Properties That Are Available with Restrictions later in this topic.
Microsoft.SharePoint.dll Namespaces That Are Available in Sandboxed Solutions
Classes That Are Available in Sandboxed Solutions
Methods and Properties That Are Available with Restrictions
Microsoft.SharePoint.dll Namespaces That Are Available in Sandboxed Solutions
Each of the following namespaces has at least one class that can be called from a sandboxed solutions. The specific classes are listed in the tables in the next section.
Classes That Are Available in Sandboxed Solutions
Each of the following types has at least one member that can be called in a sandboxed solution. To find out whether a particular member is allowed in a sandboxed solution, view the SDK reference topic for the member. Near the top of the topic is an indication of whether it is available.
Do not create a static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) field or property in code that runs in a sandboxed solution. Doing this is not supported.
Microsoft.SharePoint Namespace
DefaultItemOpen |
DraftVisibilityType |
NameValuePair |
OfficialFileResult |
SPAddFieldOptions |
SPAlert |
SPAlertCollection |
SPAlertDeliveryChannels |
SPAlertFrequency |
SPAlertStatus |
SPAlertTemplate |
SPAlertType |
SPAttachmentCollection |
SPBaseCollection |
SPBasePermissions |
SPBaseType |
SPBrowserFileHandling |
SPBuiltInContentTypeId |
SPBuiltInFieldId |
SPBusinessDataField |
SPCalendarType |
SPCalendarViewStyle |
SPCalendarViewStyleCollection |
SPChange |
SPChangeAlert |
SPChangeCollection |
SPChangeCollection.CollectionScope |
SPChangeContentType |
SPChangeField |
SPChangeFile |
SPChangeFolder |
SPChangeGroup |
SPChangeItem |
SPChangeList |
SPChangeQuery |
SPChangeSecurityPolicy |
SPChangeSite |
SPChangeToken |
SPChangeTokenCollection |
SPChangeType |
SPChangeUser |
SPChangeView |
SPChangeWeb |
SPCheckedOutFile |
SPCheckinType |
SPChoiceFormatType |
SPCompositeIndexableStatus |
SPContentType |
SPContentTypeCollection |
SPContentTypeId |
SPContentTypeUsage |
SPContext |
SPContextPageInfo |
SPCopyDestination |
SPCopyDestinationCollection |
SPCopyDestinationType |
SPCopyFieldInformation |
SPCopyFieldMask |
SPCustomizedPageStatus |
SPCustomWebTemplate |
SPDateTimeFieldFormatType |
SPDistributionGroupException |
SPDocTemplate |
SPDocTemplateCollection |
SPDocumentLibrary |
SPDuplicateValuesFoundException |
SPEmailEventReceiver |
SPEndpointAddressNotFoundException |
SPEventContext |
SPEventHostType |
SPEventPropertiesBase |
SPEventReceiverBase |
SPEventReceiverDefinition |
SPEventReceiverDefinitionCollection |
SPEventReceiverStatus |
SPEventReceiverSynchronization |
SPEventReceiverType |
SPEventType |
SPException |
SPFeature |
SPFeatureCollection |
SPFeatureDefinitionScope |
SPFeatureDependency |
SPFeatureDependencyCollection |
SPFeatureProperty |
SPFeaturePropertyCollection |
SPFeatureQueryResultCollection |
SPFeatureReceiver |
SPFeatureReceiverProperties |
SPFeatureScope |
SPField |
SPField.ListItemMenuState |
SPFieldAllDayEvent |
SPFieldAllowEditing |
SPFieldAttachments |
SPFieldBoolean |
SPFieldCalculated |
SPFieldCallTime |
SPFieldCallTo |
SPFieldChoice |
SPFieldCollection |
SPFieldComputed |
SPFieldConfidential |
SPFieldConfirmations |
SPFieldContactInfo |
SPFieldCrossProjectLink |
SPFieldCurrency |
SPFieldDateTime |
SPFieldDecimal |
SPFieldDueDate |
SPFieldFacilities |
SPFieldFile |
SPFieldFrom |
SPFieldGuid |
SPFieldIndex |
SPFieldIndexCollection |
SPFieldLink |
SPFieldLinkCollection |
SPFieldLookup |
SPFieldLookupValue |
SPFieldLookupValueCollection |
SPFieldModStat |
SPFieldMultiChoice |
SPFieldMultiChoiceValue |
SPFieldMultiColumn |
SPFieldMultiColumnValue |
SPFieldMultiLineText |
SPFieldNumber |
SPFieldPageSeparator |
SPFieldRatingScale |
SPFieldRatingScaleValue |
SPFieldRecurrence |
SPFieldSendTo |
SPFieldText |
SPFieldType |
SPFieldTypeDefinition |
SPFieldTypeDefinitionCollection |
SPFieldUntil |
SPFieldUrl |
SPFieldUrlValue |
SPFieldUser |
SPFieldUserSelectionMode |
SPFieldUserValue |
SPFieldUserValueCollection |
SPFieldValidationException |
SPFieldValueException |
SPFieldWhatsNew |
SPFieldWhereabout |
SPFieldWorkflowStatus |
SPFile |
SPFile.SPCheckOutType |
SPFile.SPLockType |
SPFileCheckOutException |
SPFileCheckOutExceptionType |
SPFileCollection |
SPFileCollectionAddParameters |
SPFileConversionResult |
SPFileConversionState |
SPFileLevel |
SPFileLockException |
SPFileLockExceptionType |
SPFileSaveBinaryParameters |
SPFileSystemObjectType |
SPFileVersion |
SPFileVersionCollection |
SPFolder |
SPFolderCollection |
SPForm |
SPFormCollection |
SPGroup |
SPGroupCollection |
SPInvalidPropertyException |
SPIssueList |
SPIssueList.ReportType |
SPItem |
SPItemEventDataCollection |
SPItemEventProperties |
SPItemEventReceiver |
SPLanguage |
SPLanguageCollection |
SPLink |
SPLinkCollection |
SPList |
SPListCategoryType |
SPListCollection |
SPListDataSource |
SPListDataValidationException |
SPListDataValidationException.SPFailure |
SPListDataValidationException.SPReason |
SPListDataValidationException.SPValidationType |
SPListEventProperties |
SPListEventReceiver |
SPListItem |
SPListItemCollection |
SPListItemCollectionPosition |
SPListItemInfo |
SPListItemVersion |
SPListItemVersionCollection |
SPListTemplate |
SPListTemplate.QuickLaunchOptions |
SPListTemplateCollection |
SPListTemplateType |
SPLocale |
SPLocaleCollection |
SPMember |
SPMemberCollection |
SPModerationInformation |
SPModerationStatusType |
SPModule |
SPModuleCollection |
SPMoveOperations |
SPNumberFormatTypes |
SPObjectType |
SPOfficialFileAction |
SPOfficialFileSubmissionMode |
SPPermissionGroup |
SPPermissionGroup64 |
SPPermissionInfo |
SPPictureLibrary |
SPPreviewValueSize |
SPPrincipal |
SPQuery |
SPQueryThrottledException |
SPRecycleBinItem |
SPRecycleBinItemCollection |
SPRecycleBinItemCollectionPosition |
SPRecycleBinItemState |
SPRecycleBinItemType |
SPRecycleBinOrderBy |
SPRecycleBinQuery |
SPRecycleBinType |
SPRegionalSettings |
SPRelatedField |
SPRelatedFieldCollection |
SPRelationshipDeleteBehavior |
SPResource |
SPResourceScope |
SPResourceType |
SPRichTextMode |
SPRoleAssignment |
SPRoleAssignmentCollection |
SPRoleDefinition |
SPRoleDefinitionBindingCollection |
SPRoleDefinitionCollection |
SPRoleType |
SPSearchResult |
SPSearchResultCollection |
SPSearchResultCollectionPosition |
SPSecurableObject |
SPServiceContext |
SPSimpleItem |
SPSite |
SPSite.StorageManagementInformationType |
SPSite.StorageManagementSortedOn |
SPSite.StorageManagementSortOrder |
SPSiteDataQuery |
SPTemplateFileType |
SPTimeZone |
SPTimeZoneCollection |
SPUrlFieldFormatType |
SPUser |
SPUserCollection |
SPUserCustomAction |
SPUserCustomActionCollection |
SPUserCustomActionRegistrationType |
SPUserCustomActionScope |
SPUserResource |
SPUserResourceCollection |
SPUserSolution |
SPUserSolutionCollection |
SPUserSolutionStatus |
SPUserStorage |
SPView |
SPViewCollection |
SPViewCollection.SPViewType |
SPViewFieldCollection |
SPViewFlags |
SPViewScope |
SPViewStyle |
SPViewStyleCollection |
SPVirusCheckStatus |
SPWeb |
SPWebCollection |
SPWebEventProperties |
SPWebEventReceiver |
SPWebListInfo |
SPWebTemplate |
SPWebTemplate.TeamCollaborationSiteConfiguration |
SPWebTemplate.WebTemplate |
SPWebTemplateCollection |
SPXmlDocumentCollection |
Strings |
TriState |
Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration Namespace
SPAutoSerializingObject |
SPFeatureDefinition |
SPPersistedObject |
SPUrlZone |
SPUserCodeAssemblyFileDefinition |
SPUserCodeAssemblyGroupId |
SPUserCodeCachedAssemblyGroup |
SPUserCodeWrapper |
Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation Namespace
SPNavigation |
SPNavigationNode |
SPNavigationNodeCollection |
SPQuickLaunchHeading |
Microsoft.SharePoint.UserCode Namespace
SPProxyOperation |
SPProxyOperationArgs |
SPUserCodeExecutionContext |
SPUserCodeValidationFailedException |
SPUserCodeWorkflowContext |
Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace
AttachmentEnumerator |
DateOptions |
IconSize |
ISPIdentifiableObject |
ISPPerformanceMonitor |
ISPScopedPerformanceMonitor |
MoblogUtility |
PermissionContext |
PermissionMode |
SPDateFormat |
SPDiffUtility |
SPEmailAttachment |
SPEmailAttachmentCollection |
SPEmailHeader |
SPEmailHeaderCollection |
SPEmailMessage |
SPEncode |
SPHttpUtility |
SPMonitoredScope |
SPPrincipalInfo |
SPPrincipalSource |
SPPrincipalType |
SPRedirectFlags |
SPStringUtility |
SPUrlUtility |
SPUtility |
ThemeColor |
ThemeFont |
ThemeType |
ThmxTheme |
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls Namespace
SPControlMode |
SPDataSourceMode |
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages Namespace
BrowserBuilderType |
DesignerBuilderType |
FriendlyNameAttribute |
HtmlDesignerAttribute |
ManagedLinkAttribute |
Permissions |
SPAttachedProperty |
SPWebCategoryNameAttribute |
SPWebPartManager |
Storage |
WebPartPageUserException |
WebPartZone |
Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow Namespace
ISPWorkflowEventReceiver |
SPWorkflow |
SPWorkflowActivationProperties |
SPWorkflowAssignedToFilter |
SPWorkflowAssociation |
SPWorkflowAssociationCollection |
SPWorkflowAssociationCollection.Configuration |
SPWorkflowCollection |
SPWorkflowEventCompletionType |
SPWorkflowEventProperties |
SPWorkflowEventReceiver |
SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeService |
SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeServiceCollection |
SPWorkflowFilter |
SPWorkflowManager |
SPWorkflowModification |
SPWorkflowModificationCollection |
SPWorkflowPostponedEventType |
SPWorkflowRunOptions |
SPWorkflowState |
SPWorkflowTask |
SPWorkflowTaskCollection |
SPWorkflowTaskProperties |
SPWorkflowTemplate |
SPWorkflowTemplateCollection |
SPWorkflowWorkflowRoleCreator |
Methods and Properties That Are Available with Restrictions
The following table lists methods that can be called from sandboxed solutions only if calling code conforms to certain restrictions on the parameters that are passed.
Method |
Restriction |
SPSite.SPSite(Guid) |
The GUID that is passed to this constructor must be the ID of the current site collection. |
SPSite.SPSite(String) |
The URL that is passed to this constructor must resolve to the current site collection. |
The following table lists properties that are read/write in farm solutions, but are read-only in sandboxed solutions.
See Also
Restrictions on Sandboxed Solutions in SharePoint 2010
What Can Be Implemented in Sandboxed Solutions in SharePoint 2010
Other Resources
Sandboxed Solutions Resource Center | SharePoint 2010