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Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Developers

Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 (MCMS) is now part of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. With Office SharePoint Server 2007, you provision sites with features, and the MCMS 2002 functionality is provided in the Publishing Layouts feature.

Office SharePoint Server 2007 is built upon Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, which includes many services previously provided by MCMS 2002, such as workflow and authentication. In addition, because Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is based on Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0, Office SharePoint Server 2007 also uses ASP.NET 2.0, so some functionality, such as master pages and providers, solves some of the same issues that MCMS 2002 solves. Office SharePoint Server 2007 contains many other features, which are discussed in the What's New for Developers in Office SharePoint Server 2007 section.

Another big change for MCMS 2002 users is that, in Office SharePoint Server 2007, many features are available to you through the user interface, so many tasks a developer used to perform can now be handled by end users, Web designers, and IT professionals. These tasks include navigation, creating and managing summary links, and scheduled content deployment.

Last, the API in Office SharePoint Server 2007 differs greatly from the API in MCMS 2002. In Office SharePoint Server 2007, you can still use the API to customize publishing features through the object model. For more information, see API Changes from MCMS 2002.

To build a site with authoring and publishing functionality similar to MCMS 2002, use master pages and page layouts in Office SharePoint Server 2007.

See Also


Where to Find MCMS 2002 Tasks in the Office SharePoint Server 2007 SDK
New Terminology in Office SharePoint Server 2007
API Changes from MCMS 2002