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Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Administration Namespace

Creates content deployment configuration, path, and job classes; and migration profiling and support.


  Class Description
Public class ContentDeploymentConfiguration Manages details about a content deployment job.
Public class ContentDeploymentEventArgs Encapsulates content deployment event data.
Public class ContentDeploymentException Represents an exception that is thrown during a content deployment operation.
Public class ContentDeploymentJob Defines details of a content deployment job.
Public class ContentDeploymentJobCollection Represents a collection of Content Deployment Jobs.
Public class ContentDeploymentJobOverrideSettings The members of this namespace or class are reserved for internal use and not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class ContentDeploymentJobReport Represents the report for a Content Deployment job.
Public class ContentDeploymentJobReportCollection Represents a collection of Content Deployment Report objects.
Public class ContentDeploymentPath Describes a content deployment path. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ContentDeploymentPathCollection Represents a collection of Content Deployment Path objects.
Public class ContentMigration Migrates content from Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ContentMigrationException Represents an exception that happens during content migration.
Public class ContentMigrationSettings Contains the migration settings. Use this class to define how to run the content migration.
Public class DeploymentStatus Indicates the incremental DeploymentStatus for a single object.
Public class DeploymentStatusDictionary Represents a collection of DeploymentStatus objects. These represent the deployment status of individual Web sites or scopes that are deployed within a specific content deployment path.
Public class JobReportBase This class describes the historical information about a content deployment or content migration job.
Public class MigrationProfile Describes the profile that defines a content migration. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class MigrationReport Contains report data for one migration run.
Public class MigrationReportCollection A collection of migration reports.
Public class ProgressEventArgs Contains event data about content migration.
Public class ReportMessage The ReportMessage object is the base class for report messaging.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ContentDeploymentEventHandler


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AuthenticationType Defines which authentication type is used to access the source database.
Public enumeration ContentDeploymentJobStatus Enumerates possible status values for the content deployment job.
Public enumeration ContentDeploymentJobType Enumerates possible values for the type of content deployment job.
Public enumeration ContentDeploymentNotificationSettings Enumerates settings that are available for content deployment notifications.
Public enumeration ContentMigrationType Defines whether the migration is the first content migration, an incremental migration after the last migration, or an incremental migration after a specified user-input time.
Public enumeration EmailOptions Defines the conditions that will cause content migration e-mail results to be sent out.
Public enumeration JobReportType Enumerates Job Report types.
Public enumeration MessageSeverity Enumerates the message severity levels.
Public enumeration MigrationDestinationType Defines whether migration is export only, import only, or export and import.
Public enumeration MigrationStatus Represents the current status of the migration.
Public enumeration PreMigrationAnalysisMode Defines whether pre-migration analysis mode should be run with migration, should be run by itself without migration, or should be skipped and migration should be run without analysis mode.
Public enumeration TemporaryFilesOption Defines whether temporary files are retained or deleted when migration is finished.