.gif) |
AccountNotValidatedException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when the account is not valid. |
.gif) |
ApplicationRegistryConnection |
Provides data source connection information for an application-specific registry such as system name, entity name, user profile property name and so on. |
.gif) |
BlogListEventReceiver |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
ChangeTokenTooEarlyException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user requests changes since a particular point in time, but that point in time is older than the earliest change on record. |
.gif) |
ChoiceList |
Provides methods to search, remove, and rename vocabulary terms for user profile properties. |
.gif) |
Colleague |
Represents a user's colleague in the organization. |
.gif) |
ColleagueManager |
Provides methods to add, delete, retrieve, and manage a user's colleagues. |
.gif) |
CommitFailedException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when changes that are made are not saved to the user profile data store. |
.gif) |
CommitPartialException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when partial changes are made to the user profile data store. |
.gif) |
Connection |
Represents a connection to a data source for a user profile. |
.gif) |
ContactData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
DataSource |
Represents a data source that a user profile will be imported from. |
.gif) |
DLImportInProgressException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to start importing a distribution list (DL) when another DL import operation is already in progress. |
.gif) |
DuplicateEntryException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to define a duplicate property or duplicate domain controller name in the user profile database. |
.gif) |
GetUserProfileByIndexResult |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
GlobalPersonalSitesListSyncedListLoader |
Represents a synchronized list of global personal site locations. |
.gif) |
ImportInProgressException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to start an import operation while another import operation is already in progress. |
.gif) |
ImportStatus |
Represents the status of a user profile import operation. |
.gif) |
InCommonData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
InvalidDataTypeException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an invalid data type is specified or a data type is not specified for the property. |
.gif) |
InvalidValueException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a parameter contains an invalid value. |
.gif) |
LDAPConnection |
Represents a connection to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory. |
.gif) |
LocalizedStringManager |
Represents the strings used to localize user profile properties, display names and descriptions. |
.gif) |
MemberGroup |
Provides methods and properties to add, delete, retrieve, set, and manage a member group. |
.gif) |
MemberGroupData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
MemberGroupExistsException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to create a member group that already exists. |
.gif) |
MemberGroupManager |
Represents the member group manager. |
.gif) |
MemberGroupNotFoundException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to find a member group fails. |
.gif) |
Membership |
Represents a single user's membership in a single member group. |
.gif) |
MembershipData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
MembershipException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an unknown error occurs. |
.gif) |
MembershipInvalidValueException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a parameter for a membership has a value that is not valid. |
.gif) |
MembershipManager |
Represents the membership manager. |
.gif) |
MembershipNotFoundException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to find a membership fails. |
.gif) |
MembershipRequiredValueException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user fails to provide a required value when creating or updating a membership. |
.gif) |
MySiteBlogFeatureReceiver |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
MySiteCleanupFeatureReceiver |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
MySiteProfileHandler |
Implements the IProfileEventInterface interface. |
.gif) |
NoDBEntryException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a data source is not defined. |
.gif) |
NoErrorFeedBackException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a method fails and no error code is returned. |
.gif) |
NoJobServerException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a job server does not exist. |
.gif) |
NoPortalContextException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when no portal context exists. |
.gif) |
NoWebContextException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when no Web context exists. |
.gif) |
PersonalizationLink |
Provides methods and properties to add, delete, retrieve, set, change, and manage personalization links and represents a link to a Personalization Site that is displayed on the navigation bar of the user's My Site. |
.gif) |
PersonalizationLinkManager |
Represents the personalization link manager. |
.gif) |
PersonalizationLinksSyncedListLoader |
Represents a synchronized list of personalization sites. |
.gif) |
PersonalizationListEventReceiver |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
PersonalSiteCreateConfigurationException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to create and configure a personal site fails. |
.gif) |
PersonalSiteCreateException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to create a personal site fails. |
.gif) |
PersonalSiteExistsException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to create a personal site that already exists. |
.gif) |
PersonalSiteNamingConflictException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to create a personal site with a name that already exists for a personal site. |
.gif) |
PersonalSitePartialCreateException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user only partially creates a personal site, and some elements of the site could not be configured. |
.gif) |
PersonalSiteUpgradeExistsException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to upgrade a personal site that already exists. |
.gif) |
PinnedLinkData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
PrivacyItem |
Provides methods and properties to add, delete, retrieve, set, change, and manage an item that is a privacy item. |
.gif) |
PrivacyItemDataException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an error occurs while loading privacy item data. |
.gif) |
PrivacyItemException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to instantiate a PrivacyItem class, and the creation fails. |
.gif) |
PrivacyItemExistsException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to create a privacy item fails because that particular privacy item entry already exists. |
.gif) |
PrivacyItemFieldNotEditableException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to edit a privacy item field that cannot be edited. |
.gif) |
PrivacyItemFieldRequiredException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user fails to provide a required privacy item field when creating or updating a privacy item. |
.gif) |
PrivacyItemInvalidValueException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a parameter for a privacy item has a value that is not valid. |
.gif) |
PrivacyItemManagerBase<T> |
Provides methods and properties to add, delete, retrieve, set, change, and manage an item that is a privacy item. |
.gif) |
PrivacyItemNotFoundException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to find a privacy item fails. |
.gif) |
PrivacyPolicyException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to instantiate a PrivacyPolicy class, and the creation fails. |
.gif) |
PrivacyPolicyIdConstants |
Contains the GUID constants for a user profile privacy policy. |
.gif) |
PrivacyPolicyItem |
Provides methods and properties to add, delete, retrieve, set, change, and manage a privacy policy item. |
.gif) |
PrivacyPolicyManager |
Represents the privacy policy manager. |
.gif) |
PrivacyPolicyNotFoundException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to find a privacy policy fails. |
.gif) |
ProfileLoader |
Provides an alternate entry point to user profiles, instead of calling methods directly. |
.gif) |
ProfileSynchronizationException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to synchronize a user profile fails. |
.gif) |
Property |
Represents the definition for a user profile property. |
.gif) |
PropertyCollection |
Represents a collection of Property objects. Use the PropertyCollection class to enumerate all properties defined at a site. |
.gif) |
PropertyConstants |
Contains the property constants to be passed into the indexer of the UserProfile object. |
.gif) |
PropertyData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
PropertyDataType |
Represents the definition for the data types of a profile property. |
.gif) |
PropertyDataTypeCollection |
Represents a collection of PropertyDataType objects. The PropertyDataTypeCollection object is within the site context and stores supported property data types in the user profile database for a specific site. |
.gif) |
PropertyInfo |
Returns data from the user profile schema when the GetUserProfileSchema method of the UserProfileService is called. |
.gif) |
PropertyInUseException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to remove a property when the property is used by an audience. |
.gif) |
PropertyInvalidFormatException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a profile property value is not in the expected format. |
.gif) |
PropertyInvalidValueException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a parameter has a value that is not valid. |
.gif) |
PropertyIsPrivateException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to change the value of a private property on a profile of another user and does not have the right to manage people. |
.gif) |
PropertyIsSectionException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when the property is a section property. |
.gif) |
PropertyMap |
Represents a property mapping that defines property mapping between the user profile and the import data source—Microsoft Active Directory directory service. |
.gif) |
PropertyMapCollection |
Represents a collection of PropertyMap objects. This class stores all property mappings for the data source. |
.gif) |
PropertyMappingNotDefinedException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to remove a property map for an unmapped property name. |
.gif) |
PropertyNotDefinedException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a property is not defined. |
.gif) |
PropertyNotEditableException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to change a property that cannot be edited. |
.gif) |
PublishedLinksService |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcPublishedLinksService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
PublishedLinksSyncedListLoader |
Represents a synchronized list of personalization sites. |
.gif) |
QuickLink |
Represents a quick link. |
.gif) |
QuickLinkData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
QuickLinkManager |
Represents the entry point for managing QuickLink objects. |
.gif) |
RemoveUserFailedException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to remove a user from the user profile data store fails. |
.gif) |
ServerLink |
Represents a published link to a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site that is targeted to the current user. |
.gif) |
ServerLinkTypes |
Represents the types of published link to a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site that is targeted to the current user. |
.gif) |
SyncedListLoader |
Represents a synchronized list of personalization sites and global personal site locations. |
.gif) |
TrustedPersonalSitesListEventReceiver |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
UpdateReadOnlyFieldException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to write to a read-only field. |
.gif) |
UpdateSystemFieldException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to change a system field. |
.gif) |
UserExistsException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to create a user in the user profile data store fails because a duplicate user entry already exists. |
.gif) |
UserNameFormatException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when the format of the user name is incorrect. |
.gif) |
UserNotFoundException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when an attempt to find the user in the user profile data store fails. |
.gif) |
UserProfile |
Represents a user profile for a person in the user profile database. |
.gif) |
UserProfileAnniversaryChange |
Represents the anniversary of a user's date property, such as their birthday. The event is fires once per year. |
.gif) |
UserProfileChange |
Represents a change made to the user profile properties that has been recorded in the change log. |
.gif) |
UserProfileChangeCollection |
Represents a collection of UserProfileChange objects. |
.gif) |
UserProfileChangeData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileChangeService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
UserProfileChangeDataContainer |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileChangeService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
UserProfileChangeDictionary |
Represents a collection of changes for a group of users. |
.gif) |
UserProfileChangeQuery |
Represents a query for changes in a user profile. |
.gif) |
UserProfileChangeService |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileChangeService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
UserProfileChangeToken |
Represents the unique sequential location of a change within the change log. |
.gif) |
UserProfileColleagueChange |
Represents a change to a user profile that represents a colleague. |
.gif) |
UserProfileConfigManager |
Manages the user profile configuration. |
.gif) |
UserProfileException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when a user attempts to instantiate a UserProfile object, and the creation fails. |
.gif) |
UserProfileLinkItemChange |
Represents a change to a link item of a user profile. |
.gif) |
UserProfileListEventReceiver |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |
.gif) |
UserProfileManager |
A collection of UserProfile objects used to access user profile data. To access a specific user profile, call the UserProfileManager class to create a UserProfile object and retrieve the corresponding data from the user profile database. |
.gif) |
UserProfileMembershipChange |
Represents a change to a membership. |
.gif) |
UserProfileMultiValueChange |
Represents a change to multiple values of a property. |
.gif) |
UserProfilePropertyValueChange |
Represents a change to the property value of a user profile. |
.gif) |
UserProfileService |
This class is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Use the UserProfileService Web service instead. |
.gif) |
UserProfileSingleValueChange |
Represents a change to a single value for a property. |
.gif) |
UserProfileSiteMembershipChange |
Represents a change to a site membership. |
.gif) |
UserProfileValueCollection |
Represents a collection of user profile values. |
.gif) |
UserProfileWebLogChange |
Represents a new post to a user's Web log. |
.gif) |
UserSidException |
Represents an exception that is thrown when the user security identifier (SID) is incorrect. |
.gif) |
ValueData |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. Use the corresponding class in the websvcUserProfileService namespace instead. |
.gif) |
WSSProfileSynch |
Handles the synchronization of user profile data in the Windows SharePoint Services user information list on each site, and the synchronization of Windows SharePoint Services members' group membership in the user profile memberships. Do not use this class directly from your code; instead, use stsadm.exe. |
.gif) |
WSSSweepSynch |
Handles the incremental synchronization of user profile data in the Windows SharePoint Services user information list on each site. Do not use this class directly from your code; instead, use stsadm.exe. |
.gif) |
WSSSynchScheduler |
Represents a user profile synchronization scheduler. This class is not intended to be used directly from your code; instead, use stsadm.exe. |
.gif) |
WSSSynchSchedulerFeatureReceiver |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. |