다음을 통해 공유

CreateAccessor Method

Creates and initializes a UrlAccessor object.

HRESULT CreateAccessor(
AUTHENTICATION_INFO* pAuthenticationInfo,
INCREMENTAL_ACCESS_INFO* pIncrementalAccessInfo,
ITEM_INFO* pItemInfo,
IUrlAccessor** ppAccessor



[in] Pointer to a null-terminated, Unicode string containing the URL of the item being accessed.


[in] Pointer to an AUTHENTICATION_INFO Structure structure that contains authentication information needed to access this item in the content source.


[in] Pointer to an INCREMENTAL_ACCESS_INFO Structure structure that contains incremental access information, such as the last time the file was accessed by the Enterprise Search crawler.


[in] Pointer to an ITEM_INFO Structure structure that contains information about an item.


[out] The address of a pointer to the UrlAccessor object created by this method. This UrlAccessor object contains information about the URL item, such as the item's file name.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK, otherwise it returns an error value. For a list of error messages returned by Enterprise Search in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, see Protocol Handler Error Messages.


This method creates and initializes a UrlAccessor object to process an item currently being accessed by the Enterprise Search crawler. It is called once for every URL processed by the crawler and returns a pointer for the UrlAccessor object to the Filter Daemon.

This method must be re-entrant because it will be called in multiple threads. However, after the UrlAccessor is created, the UrlAccessor will be called by only one thread.

See Also


Protocol Handler Reference
Protocol Handler Interfaces
IUrlAccessor Interface
Enterprise Search Protocol Handlers