다음을 통해 공유

Window Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents a window. Many worksheet characteristics, such as scroll bars and gridlines, are actually properties of the window.

The Window type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property _DisplayRightToLeft Reserved for internal use.
Public property ActiveCell Returns a Range object that represents the active cell in the active window (the window on top) or in the specified window. If the window isn't displaying a worksheet, this property fails.
Public property ActiveChart Returns a Chart object that represents the active chart (either an embedded chart or a chart sheet). An embedded chart is considered active when it's either selected or activated. When no chart is active, this property returns Nothing.
Public property ActivePane Returns a Pane object that represents the active pane in the window.
Public property ActiveSheet Returns an object that represents the active sheet (the sheet on top) in the active workbook or in the specified window or workbook. Returns Nothing if no sheet is active.
Public property ActiveSheetView Returns an object that represents the view of the active sheet in the specified window. Read-only.
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel application.
Public property AutoFilterDateGrouping True if the auto filter for date grouping is currently displayed in the specified window. Read/write.
Public property Caption The name that appears in the title bar of the document window.
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created.
Public property DisplayFormulas True if the window is displaying formulas; False if the window is displaying values.
Public property DisplayGridlines True if gridlines are displayed.
Public property DisplayHeadings True if both row and column headings are displayed; False if there are no headings displayed.
Public property DisplayHorizontalScrollBar True if the horizontal scroll bar is displayed.
Public property DisplayOutline True if outline symbols are displayed.
Public property DisplayRightToLeft True if the specified window is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right. False if the object is displayed from left to right.
Public property DisplayRuler True if a ruler is displayed for the specified window. Read/write.
Public property DisplayVerticalScrollBar True if the vertical scroll bar is displayed.
Public property DisplayWhitespace True if whitespace is displayed. Read/write.
Public property DisplayWorkbookTabs True if the workbook tabs are displayed.
Public property DisplayZeros True if zero values are displayed.
Public property EnableResize True if the window can be resized.
Public property FreezePanes True if split panes are frozen.
Public property GridlineColor Returns or sets the gridline color as an RGB value.
Public property GridlineColorIndex Returns or sets the gridline color as an index into the current color palette or as an XlColorIndex constant.
Public property Height The height of the window in points.
Public property Index Returns the index number of the object within the collection of similar objects.
Public property Left The distance in points from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window.
Public property OnWindow Returns or sets the name of the procedure that’s run whenever you activate a window.
Public property Panes Returns a Panes collection that represents all the panes in the specified window.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.
Public property RangeSelection Returns a Range object that represents the selected cells on the worksheet in the specified window even if a graphic object is active or selected on the worksheet.
Public property ScrollColumn Returns or sets the number of the leftmost column in the pane or window.
Public property ScrollRow Returns or sets the number of the row that appears at the top of the pane or window.
Public property SelectedSheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all the selected sheets in the specified window.
Public property Selection Returns the selected object in the specified window.
Public property SheetViews Returns the SheetViews object for the specified window. Read-only.
Public property Split True if the window is split.
Public property SplitColumn Returns or sets the column number where the window is split into panes (the number of columns to the left of the split line).
Public property SplitHorizontal Returns or sets the location of the horizontal window split in points.
Public property SplitRow Returns or sets the row number where the window is split into panes (the number of rows above the split).
Public property SplitVertical Returns or sets the location of the vertical window split in points.
Public property TabRatio Returns or sets the ratio of the width of the workbook's tab area to the width of the window's horizontal scroll bar (as a number between 0 (zero) and 1; the default value is 0.6).
Public property Top The distance in points from the top edge of the window to the top edge of the usable area (below the menus, any toolbars docked at the top, and the formula bar).
Public property Type Returns or sets the window type.
Public property UsableHeight Returns the maximum height in points of the space that a window can occupy in the application window area.
Public property UsableWidth Returns the maximum width in points of the space that a window can occupy in the application window area.
Public property View Returns or sets the view showing in the window.
Public property Visible Determines whether the object is visible.
Public property VisibleRange Returns a Range object that represents the range of cells that are visible in the window or pane. If a column or row is partially visible, it's included in the range.
Public property Width The width in points of the window.
Public property WindowNumber Returns the window number. For example, a window named "Book1.xls:2" has 2 as its window number. Most windows have the window number 1.
Public property WindowState Returns or sets the state of the window.
Public property Zoom Returns or sets the display size of the window as a percentage (100 equals normal size, 200 equals double size, and so on).



  Name Description
Public method _PrintOut
Public method Activate Brings the window to the front of the z-order.
Public method ActivateNext Activates the specified window, and then sends it to the back of the window z-order.
Public method ActivatePrevious Activates the specified window and then activates the window at the back of the window z-order.
Public method Close Closes the object.
Public method LargeScroll Scrolls the contents of the window by pages.
Public method NewWindow Creates a new window or a copy of the specified window.
Public method PointsToScreenPixelsX Converts a horizontal measurement from points (document coordinates) to screen pixels (screen coordinates).
Public method PointsToScreenPixelsY Converts a vertical measurement from points (document coordinates) to screen pixels (screen coordinates).
Public method PrintOut Prints the object.
Public method PrintPreview Shows a preview of the object as it would look when printed.
Public method RangeFromPoint Returns the Shape or Range object that is positioned at the specified pair of screen coordinates. If there isn’t a shape located at the specified coordinates, this method returns Nothing.
Public method ScrollIntoView Scrolls the document window so that the contents of a specified rectangular area are displayed in either the upper-left or lower-right corner of the document window or pane.
Public method ScrollWorkbookTabs Scrolls through the workbook tabs at the bottom of the window.
Public method SmallScroll Scrolls the contents of the window by rows or columns.


See Also


Window Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Namespace