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IRtdServer Members

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Represents an interface for a real-time data server.

The IRtdServer type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ConnectData Adds new topics from a real-time data server. The ConnectData method is called when a file is opened that contains real-time data functions or when a user types in a new formula which contains the RTD function.
Public method DisconnectData Notifies a real-time data (RTD) server application that a topic is no longer in use.
Public method Heartbeat Determines if the real-time data server is still active. Zero or a negative number indicates failure; a positive number indicates that the server is active.
Public method RefreshData This method is called by Microsoft Excel to get new data.
Public method ServerStart The ServerStart method is called immediately after a real-time data server is instantiated. Negative value or zero indicates failure to start the server; positive value indicates success.
Public method ServerTerminate Terminates the connection to the real-time data server.


See Also


IRtdServer Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Namespace