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ErrorCheckingOptions Members

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Represents the error-checking options for an application.

The ErrorCheckingOptions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel application.
Public property BackgroundChecking Alerts the user for all cells that violate enabled error-checking rules.
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created.
Public property EmptyCellReferences When set to True (default), Microsoft Excel identifies, with an AutoCorrect Options button, selected cells containing formulas that refer to empty cells. False disables empty cell reference checking.
Public property EvaluateToError When set to True (default), Microsoft Excel identifies, with an AutoCorrect Options button, selected cells that contain formulas evaluating to an error. False disables error checking for cells that evaluate to an error value.
Public property InconsistentFormula When set to True (default), Microsoft Excel identifies cells containing an inconsistent formula in a region. False disables the inconsistent formula check.
Public property InconsistentTableFormula Returns True if the table formula is inconsistent. Read/write Boolean.
Public property IndicatorColorIndex Returns or sets the color of the indicator for error checking options.
Public property ListDataValidation A Boolean value that is True if data validation is enabled in a list.
Public property NumberAsText When set to True (default), Microsoft Excel identifies, with an AutoCorrect Options button, selected cells that contain numbers written as text. False disables error checking for numbers written as text.
Public property OmittedCells When set to True (default), Microsoft Excel identifies, with an AutoCorrect Options button, the selected cells that contain formulas referring to a range that omits adjacent cells that could be included. False disables error checking for omitted cells.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.
Public property TextDate When set to True (default), Microsoft Excel identifies, with an AutoCorrect Options button, cells that contain a text date with a two-digit year. False disables error checking for cells containing a text date with a two-digit year.
Public property UnlockedFormulaCells When set to True (default), Microsoft Excel identifies selected cells that are unlocked and contain a formula. False disables error checking for unlocked cells that contain formulas.


See Also


ErrorCheckingOptions Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Namespace