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CubeField Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents a hierarchy or measure field from an OLAP cube.

The CubeField type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property _Caption Returns a String value that represents the label text for the cube field.
Public property AllItemsVisible The AllItemsVisible property checks whether manual filtering is applied to a PivotField or CubeField. Read-only Boolean.
Public property Application When used without an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel application. When used with an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object (you can use this property with an OLE Automation object to return the application of that object). Read-only.
Public property Caption The label text for the cube field.
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created.
Public property CubeFieldSubType Specifies the type of a CubeField(). Read-only.
Public property CubeFieldType Indicates whether the OLAP cube field is a hierarchy field or a measure field.
Public property CurrentPageName Returns or sets the page name for a CubeField. Read/write String.
Public property DragToColumn True if the specified field can be dragged to the column position.
Public property DragToData True if the specified field can be dragged to the data position.
Public property DragToHide True if the field can be hidden by being dragged off the PivotTable report.
Public property DragToPage True if the field can be dragged to the page position.
Public property DragToRow True if the field can be dragged to the row position.
Public property EnableMultiplePageItems True to allow multiple items in the page field area for OLAP PivotTables to be selected.
Public property FlattenHierarchies Gets or sets whether items from all levels of hierarchies in a named set cube field are displayed in the same field of a PivotTable report based on an OLAP cube.
Public property HasMemberProperties Returns True when there are member properties specified to be displayed for the cube field.
Public property HiddenLevels Returns or sets the top levels of the specified hierarchy that are hidden.
Public property HierarchizeDistinct Gets or sets whether to order and remove duplicates when displaying the specified named set in a PivotTable report based on an OLAP cube.
Public property IncludeNewItemsInFilter The IncludeNewItemsInFilter property is used to track included/excluded items in OLAP PivotTables. Read/write.
Public property IsDate Returns True if the CubeField is a date. Read-only Boolean.
Public property LayoutForm Returns or sets the way the specified PivotTable items appear — in table format or in outline format.
Public property LayoutSubtotalLocation Returns or sets the position of the PivotTable field subtotals in relation to (either above or below) the specified field.
Public property Name Returns the name of the object.
Public property Orientation The location of the field in the specified PivotTable report.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.
Public property PivotFields Returns the PivotFields collection. This collection contains all PivotTable fields, including those that aren’t currently visible on-screen.
Public property Position Position of the item in its field if the item is currently showing.
Public property ShowInFieldList When set to True (default), a CubeField object will be shown in the field list.
Public property TreeviewControl Returns the TreeviewControl object, representing the cube manipulation control of an OLAP-based PivotTable report.
Public property Value Returns the name of the specified field.



  Name Description
Public method AddMemberPropertyField Adds a member property field to the display for the cube field.
Public method AddMemberPropertyFieldEx Reserved for internal use.
Public method ClearManualFilter The ClearManualFilter() method provides an easy way to set the Visible property to True for all items of a PivotField in PivotTables, and to empty the HiddenItemsInList/VisibleItemsList collections in OLAP PivotTables.
Public method CreatePivotFields The CreatePivotFields() method is new in Microsoft Office Excel 2007. It enables users to apply a filter to PivotFields not yet added to the PivotTable by creating the corresponding PivotFieldobject.
Public method Delete Deletes the object.


See Also


CubeField Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Namespace