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XMLSchemaReferences Members

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A collection of XMLSchemaReference objects that represent the unique namespaces that are attached to a document.

The XMLSchemaReferences type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Add Returns a XMLSchemaReference that represents a schema applied to a document.
Public method GetEnumerator (Inherited from IEnumerable.)
Public method Validate Verifies an individual XML element or the entire document against the attached XML schema or schemas.



  Name Description
Public property AllowSaveAsXMLWithoutValidation Returns a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Word validates the XML in a document upon saving the document.
Public property Application Returns a Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Public property AutomaticValidation Returns a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Word will validate the XML in a document as a user type.
Public property Count Returns the number of items in the specified collection.
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.
Public property HideValidationErrors True to hide schema violations when Microsoft Word validates the XML in a document.
Public property IgnoreMixedContent Returns a Boolean that represents whether Microsoft Word performs validation on text nodes that have element siblings and specifies whether these text nodes are saved in XML when the XMLSaveDataOnly property is True.
Public property Item Returns an individual object in a collection.
Public property Parent Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object.
Public property ShowPlaceholderText Returns a Boolean that represents whether automatic placeholder text is displayed for XML elements in a document. True displays placeholder text. False hides placeholder text.


See Also


XMLSchemaReferences Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace