다음을 통해 공유

WdPageBorderArt Enumeration

Specifies the graphical page border setting of a page.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word (in Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll)


Public Enumeration WdPageBorderArt
Dim instance As WdPageBorderArt
public enum WdPageBorderArt


Member name Description
wdArtApples An apple border.
wdArtMapleMuffins A maple muffins border.
wdArtCakeSlice A cake slice border.
wdArtCandyCorn A candy corn border.
wdArtIceCreamCones An ice cream cones border.
wdArtChampagneBottle A champagne bottle border.
wdArtPartyGlass A party glass border.
wdArtChristmasTree A Christmas tree border.
wdArtTrees A trees border.
wdArtPalmsColor A colored palms border.
wdArtBalloons3Colors Balloons in three colors as the border.
wdArtBalloonsHotAir A hot air balloon border.
wdArtPartyFavor A party favor border.
wdArtConfettiStreamers A confetti streamers border.
wdArtHearts A hearts border.
wdArtHeartBalloon A heart balloon border.
wdArtStars3D A 3-D stars border.
wdArtStarsShadowed A shadowed stars border.
wdArtStars A stars border.
wdArtSun A sun border.
wdArtEarth2 An earth number 2 border.
wdArtEarth1 An earth number 1 border.
wdArtPeopleHats A people wearing hats border.
wdArtSombrero A sombrero border.
wdArtPencils A pencils border.
wdArtPackages A packages border.
wdArtClocks A clocks border.
wdArtFirecrackers A fire crackers border.
wdArtRings A rings border.
wdArtMapPins A map pins border.
wdArtConfetti A confetti border.
wdArtCreaturesButterfly A butterfly border.
wdArtCreaturesLadyBug A ladybug border.
wdArtCreaturesFish A fish border.
wdArtBirdsFlight A birds in flight border.
wdArtScaredCat A scared cat border.
wdArtBats A bats border.
wdArtFlowersRoses A rose border.
wdArtFlowersRedRose A red rose border.
wdArtPoinsettias A poinsettias border.
wdArtHolly A holly border.
wdArtFlowersTiny A tiny flower border.
wdArtFlowersPansy A pansy border.
wdArtFlowersModern2 A modern flowers number 2 border.
wdArtFlowersModern1 A modern flowers number 1 border.
wdArtWhiteFlowers A white flower border.
wdArtVine A vine border.
wdArtFlowersDaisies A daisies border.
wdArtFlowersBlockPrint A block flowers print border.
wdArtDecoArchColor A deco arch colored border.
wdArtFans A fans border.
wdArtFilm A film border.
wdArtLightning1 A lightning number 1 border.
wdArtCompass A compass border.
wdArtDoubleD A double-D border.
wdArtClassicalWave A classical wave border.
wdArtShadowedSquares A shadowed squared border.
wdArtTwistedLines1 A twisted lines number 1 border.
wdArtWaveline A wave line border.
wdArtQuadrants A quadrants border.
wdArtCheckedBarColor A checked-bar colored border.
wdArtSwirligig A swirling border.
wdArtPushPinNote1 A pushpin note number 1 border.
wdArtPushPinNote2 A pushpin note number 2 border.
wdArtPumpkin1 A pumpkin number 1 border.
wdArtEggsBlack A black eggs border.
wdArtCup A cup border.
wdArtHeartGray A heart border in shades of gray.
wdArtGingerbreadMan A gingerbread man border.
wdArtBabyPacifier A baby pacifier border.
wdArtBabyRattle A baby rattle border.
wdArtCabins A cabins border.
wdArtHouseFunky A funky house border.
wdArtStarsBlack A black stars border.
wdArtSnowflakes A snowflake border.
wdArtSnowflakeFancy A fancy snowflake border.
wdArtSkyrocket A sky rocket border.
wdArtSeattle A Seattle border.
wdArtMusicNotes A music notes border.
wdArtPalmsBlack A black palms border.
wdArtMapleLeaf A maple leaf border.
wdArtPaperClips A paper clips border.
wdArtShorebirdTracks A shorebird tracks border.
wdArtPeople A people border.
wdArtPeopleWaving A people waving border.
wdArtEclipsingSquares2 An eclipsing squares number 2 border.
wdArtHypnotic A hypnotic border.
wdArtDiamondsGray A diamond border using shades of gray.
wdArtDecoArch A deco arch border.
wdArtDecoBlocks A deco blocks border.
wdArtCirclesLines A circles and lines border.
wdArtPapyrus A papyrus border.
wdArtWoodwork A woodwork border.
wdArtWeavingBraid A weaving braid border.
wdArtWeavingRibbon A weaving ribbon border.
wdArtWeavingAngles A weaving angle border.
wdArtArchedScallops An arched scalloped border.
wdArtSafari A safari border.
wdArtCelticKnotwork A Celtic knot work border.
wdArtCrazyMaze A crazy maze border.
wdArtEclipsingSquares1 An eclipsing squares number 1 border.
wdArtBirds A birds border.
wdArtFlowersTeacup A teacup border.
wdArtNorthwest A northwest border.
wdArtSouthwest A southwest border.
wdArtTribal6 A tribal number 6 border.
wdArtTribal4 A tribal number 4 border.
wdArtTribal3 A tribal number 3 border.
wdArtTribal2 A tribal number 2 border.
wdArtTribal5 A tribal number 5 border.
wdArtXIllusions An X illusion border.
wdArtZanyTriangles A zany triangle border.
wdArtPyramids A pyramids border.
wdArtPyramidsAbove An external pyramids border.
wdArtConfettiGrays A confetti border using shades of gray.
wdArtConfettiOutline A confetti outline border.
wdArtConfettiWhite A confetti white border.
wdArtMosaic A mosaic border.
wdArtLightning2 A lightning number 2 border.
wdArtHeebieJeebies A heebie jeebies border.
wdArtLightBulb A light bulb border.
wdArtGradient A gradient border.
wdArtTriangleParty A triangle party border.
wdArtTwistedLines2 A twisted lines number 2 border.
wdArtMoons A moons border.
wdArtOvals An ovals border.
wdArtDoubleDiamonds A double-diamonds border.
wdArtChainLink A chain link border.
wdArtTriangles A triangles border.
wdArtTribal1 A tribal number 1 border.
wdArtMarqueeToothed A marquee toothed border.
wdArtSharksTeeth A shark tooth border.
wdArtSawtooth A saw tooth border.
wdArtSawtoothGray A saw tooth border using shades of gray.
wdArtPostageStamp A postage stamp border.
wdArtWeavingStrips A weaving strips border.
wdArtZigZag A zigzag border.
wdArtCrossStitch A cross-stitch border.
wdArtGems A gems border.
wdArtCirclesRectangles A circles and rectangles border.
wdArtCornerTriangles A triangles border.
wdArtCreaturesInsects An insect border.
wdArtZigZagStitch A zigzag stitch border.
wdArtCheckered A checkered border.
wdArtCheckedBarBlack A checked-bar black border.
wdArtMarquee A marquee border.
wdArtBasicWhiteDots A basic white dots border.
wdArtBasicWideMidline A basic wide midline border.
wdArtBasicWideOutline A basic wide outline border.
wdArtBasicWideInline A basic wide inline border.
wdArtBasicThinLines A basic thin-lines border.
wdArtBasicWhiteDashes A basic white-dashed border.
wdArtBasicWhiteSquares A basic white squares border.
wdArtBasicBlackSquares A basic black squares border.
wdArtBasicBlackDashes A basic black-dashed border.
wdArtBasicBlackDots A basic black-dotted border.
wdArtStarsTop A stars on top border.
wdArtCertificateBanner A certificate banner border.
wdArtHandmade1 A handmade number 1 border.
wdArtHandmade2 A handmade number 2 border.
wdArtTornPaper A torn paper border.
wdArtTornPaperBlack A black torn paper border.
wdArtCouponCutoutDashes A coupon cut out dashes border.
wdArtCouponCutoutDots A coupon cut out dots border.

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace