다음을 통해 공유

WdLineStyle Enumeration

Specifies the border style for an object.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word (in Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll)


Public Enumeration WdLineStyle
Dim instance As WdLineStyle
public enum WdLineStyle


Member name Description
wdLineStyleNone No border.
wdLineStyleSingle A single solid line.
wdLineStyleDot Dots.
wdLineStyleDashSmallGap A dash followed by a small gap.
wdLineStyleDashLargeGap A dash followed by a large gap.
wdLineStyleDashDot A dash followed by a dot.
wdLineStyleDashDotDot A dash followed by two dots.
wdLineStyleDouble Double solid lines.
wdLineStyleTriple Three solid thin lines.
wdLineStyleThinThickSmallGap An internal single thin solid line surrounded by a single thick solid line with a small gap between them.
wdLineStyleThickThinSmallGap An internal single thick solid line surrounded by a single thin solid line with a small gap between them.
wdLineStyleThinThickThinSmallGap An internal single thin solid line surrounded by a single thick solid line surrounded by a single thin solid line with a small gap between all lines.
wdLineStyleThinThickMedGap An internal single thin solid line surrounded by a single thick solid line with a medium gap between them.
wdLineStyleThickThinMedGap An internal single thick solid line surrounded by a single thin solid line with a medium gap between them.
wdLineStyleThinThickThinMedGap An internal single thin solid line surrounded by a single thick solid line surrounded by a single thin solid line with a medium gap between all lines.
wdLineStyleThinThickLargeGap An internal single thin solid line surrounded by a single thick solid line with a large gap between them.
wdLineStyleThickThinLargeGap An internal single thick solid line surrounded by a single thin solid line with a large gap between them.
wdLineStyleThinThickThinLargeGap An internal single thin solid line surrounded by a single thick solid line surrounded by a single thin solid line with a large gap between all lines.
wdLineStyleSingleWavy A single wavy solid line.
wdLineStyleDoubleWavy Double wavy solid lines.
wdLineStyleDashDotStroked A dash followed by a dot stroke, thus rendering a border similar to a barber pole.
wdLineStyleEmboss3D The border appears to have a 3-D embossed look.
wdLineStyleEngrave3D The border appears to have a 3-D engraved look.
wdLineStyleOutset The border appears to be outset.
wdLineStyleInset The border appears to be inset.

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace