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OLEFormat Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents the OLE characteristics (other than linking) for an OLE object, ActiveX control, or field.

The OLEFormat type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Activate Activates the specified object.
Public method ActivateAs Sets the Windows registry value that determines the default application used to activate the specified OLE object.
Public method ConvertTo Converts the specified OLE object from one class to another, making it possible for you to edit the object in a different server application, or change how the object is displayed in the document.
Public method DoVerb Requests that an OLE object perform one of its available verbs— the actions an OLE object takes to activate its contents. Each OLE object supports a set of verbs that pertain to that object.
Public method Edit Opens the specified OLE object for editing in the application it was created in.
Public method Open Opens the specified object.



  Name Description
Public property Application Returns a Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Public property ClassType Returns or sets the class type for the specified OLE object, picture, or field.
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.
Public property DisplayAsIcon True if the specified object is displayed as an icon.
Public property IconIndex Returns or sets the icon that's used when the DisplayAsIcon property is True: 0 (zero) corresponds to the first icon, 1 corresponds to the second icon, and so on. If this argument is omitted, the first (default) icon is used.
Public property IconLabel Returns or sets the text displayed below the icon for an OLE object.
Public property IconName Returns or sets the program file in which the icon for an OLE object is stored.
Public property IconPath Returns the path of the file in which the icon for an OLE object is stored.
Public property Label Returns a string that's used to identify the portion of the source file that's being linked. For example, if the source file is a Microsoft Excel workbook, the Label property might return "Workbook1!R3C1:R4C2" if the OLE object contains only a few cells from the worksheet.
Public property Object Returns an Object that represents the specified OLE object's top-level interface. This property allows you to access the properties and methods of an ActiveX control or the application in which an OLE object was created. The OLE object must support OLE Automation for this property to work.
Public property Parent Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object.
Public property PreserveFormattingOnUpdate True preserves formatting done in Microsoft Word to a linked OLE object, such as a table linked to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Public property ProgID Returns the programmatic identifier (ProgID) for the specified OLE object.


See Also


OLEFormat Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace