다음을 통해 공유

WorkflowTemplate Object (Office)

Represents one of the workflows available for the current document.


A WorkflowTemplate object corresponds to one of the options displayed in the Start New Workflow dialog box. On a Web page, the workflow templates are displayed as a list of options.


The following example displays the name of each workflow template in the current document and then displays workflow specific configuration user interface for a specific template. It should be noted that calling the GetWorkflowTemplates method involves a round-trip to the server.

Sub DisplayWorkTemplates() 
Dim objWorkflowTemplates As WorkflowTemplates 
Dim objWorkflowTemplate As WorkflowTemplate 
Dim cnt As Integer 
Set objWorkflowTemplates = Document.GetWorkflowTemplates() 
For cnt = 1 To objWorkflowTemplates.Count 
 Debug.Print objWorkflowTemplate(cnt).Name 
Set objWorkflowTemplate = objWorkflowTemplates(1) 
End Sub 

See Also


Object Model Reference

WorkflowTemplate Object Members