다음을 통해 공유

EmailOptions.NewColorOnReply Property (Word)

True specifies whether a user needs to choose a new color for reply text when replying to e-mail. Read/write Boolean.


expression .NewColorOnReply

expression An expression that returns an EmailOptions object.


Use the NewColorOnReply property if you want the reply text of e-mail messages sent from Microsoft Word to be a different color than the original message.


This example checks to see if a user needs to choose a new color for e-mail reply text and, if not, sets the reply font color to blue.

Sub NewColor() 
 With Application.EmailOptions 
 If .NewColorOnReply = False Then 
 .ReplyStyle.Font.Color = wdColorBlue 
 End If 
 End With 
End Sub

See Also


EmailOptions Object Members

EmailOptions Object