다음을 통해 공유

ChartData.IsLinked Property (Word)

True if the data for the chart is linked to an external Microsoft Excel workbook. Read-only Boolean.

Version Information

Version Added: Word 2007


expression .IsLinked

expression A variable that represents a ChartData object.


Using the BreakLink method to remove the link to an Excel workbook sets this property to False.


The following example verifies whether the data for the first chart in the active document is linked to an external Excel workbook. If the data for the chart is linked, the example then uses the BreakLink method to remove the link. If the data for the chart is not linked, the example uses the Activate method to display the embedded data for the chart.

With ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1) 
 If .HasChart Then 
 With .Chart.ChartData 
 If .IsLinked Then 
 End If 
 End With 
 End If 
End With

See Also


ChartData Object

ChartData Object Members