ComboBox Members (Access)
This object corresponds to a combo box control. The combo box control combines the features of a text box and a list box. Use a combo box when you want the option of either typing a value or selecting a value from a predefined list.
Name |
Description |
Adds a new item to the list of values displayed by the specified combo box control. |
You can use the Dropdown method to force the list in the specified combo box to drop down. |
Moves the specified object to the coordinates specified by the argument values. |
Removes an item from the list of values displayed by the specified combo box control. |
The Requery method updates the data underlying a specified control that's on the active form by requerying the source of data for the control. |
The SetFocus method moves the focus to the specified form, the specified control on the active form, or the specified field on the active datasheet. |
You can use the SizeToFit method to size a control so it fits the text or image that it contains. |
You can use the Undo method to reset a control or form when its value has been changed. |
Name |
Description |
Specifies whether a colon follows the text in labels for new controls. Read/write Boolean. |
Returns or sets which macro, event procedure, or user-defined function runs when the AfterUpdate event occurs. Read/write String. |
You can use the AllowAutoCorrect property to specify whetherthe specified control will automatically correct entries made by the user. Read/write Boolean. |
Gets or sets whether the Edit List Items command is available when the user right-clicks a combo box. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the Application property to access the active Microsoft Access Application object and its related properties. Read-only Application object. |
You can use the AutoExpand property to specify whether Microsoft Access automatically fills the text box portion of a combo box with a value from the combo box list that matches the characters you enter as you type in the combo box. This lets you quickly enter an existing value in a combo box without displaying the list box portion of the combo box. Read/write Boolean. |
Specifies whether labels are automatically created and attached to new controls. Read/write Boolean. |
Gets or sets the interior color of the specified object. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets the shade that is applied to the theme color in the BackColor property of the specified object. Read/write Single. |
You can use the BackStyle property to specify whether a control will be transparent. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets a value that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the BackColor property of the specified object. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets the tint that is applied to the theme color in the BackColor property of the specified object. Read/write Single. |
Returns or sets which macro, event procedure, or user-defined function runs when the BeforeUpdate event occurs. Read/write String. |
You can use the BorderColor property to specify the color of a control's border. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets the shade that is applied to the theme color in the BorderColor property of the specified object. Read/write Single. |
Specifies how a control's border appears.Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets a value that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the BorderColor property of the specified object. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets the tint that is applied to the theme color in the BorderColor property of the specified object. Read/write Single. |
You can use the BorderWidth property to specify the width of a control's border. Read/write Byte. |
Along with the LeftMargin, RightMargin, and TopMargin properties, specifies the location of information displayed within a text box control. Read/write Integer. |
Gets or sets the amount of space (in inches) between the combo box and its bottom gridline. Read/write Integer. |
When you make a selection from a combo box, the BoundColumn property tells Microsoft Access which column's values to use as the value of the control. If the control is bound to a field, the value in the column specified by the BoundColumn property is stored in the field named in the ControlSource property. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets whether the specified control automatically adjusts vertically to print or preview all the data the control contains. Read/write Boolean. |
Gets or sets whether the specified control automatically adjusts vertically to print or preview all the data the control contains. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the Column property to refer to a specific column, or column and row combination, in a multiple-column combo box or list box. Read-only Variant. |
You can use the ColumnCount property to specify the number of columns displayed in a list box or in the list box portion of a combo box, or sent to OLE objects in a chart control or unbound object frame . Read/write Integer. |
You can use the ColumnHeads property to display a single row of column headings for list boxes, combo boxes, and OLE objects that accept column headings. You can also use this property to create a label for each entry in a chart control . What is actually displayed as the first-row column heading depends on the object's RowSourceType property setting. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the ColumnHidden property to show or hide a specified column in Datasheet view. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the ColumnOrder property to specify the order of the columns in Datasheet view. Read/write Integer. |
You can use the ColumnWidth property to specify the width of a column in Datasheet view. Read/write Integer. |
You can use the ColumnWidths property to specify the width of each column in a multiple-column combo box. Read/write String. |
Returns the Controls collection of a form, subform, report or section. Read-only Controls. |
You can use the ControlSource property to specify what data appears in a control. You can display and edit data bound to a field in a table, query, or SQL statement. You can also display the result of an expression. Read/write String. |
You can use the ControlTipText property to specify the text that appears in a ScreenTip when you hold the mouse pointer over a control. Read/write String. |
You can use the ControlType property in Visual Basic to determine the type of a control on a form or report. Read/write Byte. |
You can use the DecimalPlaces property to specify the number of decimal places Microsoft Access uses to display numbers. Read/write Byte. |
Specifies a value that is automatically entered in a field when a new record is created. For example, in an Addresses table you can set the default value for the City field to New York. When users add a record to the table, they can either accept this value or enter the name of a different city. Read/write String. |
Gets or sets an AcDisplayAsHyperlink constant that specifies whether to display the contents of the specified combo box as a hyperlink. Read/write. |
You can use the DisplayWhen property to specify which of a form's controls you want displayed on screen and in print. Read/write Byte. |
You can use the Enabled property to set or return the status of the conditional format in the FormatCondition object. Read/write Boolean. |
Gets or sets the prefix portion of an event procedure name. Read/write String. |
You can use the FontBold property to specify whether a font appears in a bold style in the following situations:
Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the FontItalic property to specify whether text is italic in the following situations:
Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the FontName property to specify the font for text in the following situations:
Read/write String. |
You can use the FontSize property to specify the point size for text in the following situations:
Read/write Integer. |
You can use the FontUnderline property to specify whether text is underlined in the following situations:
Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the DatasheetFontWeight property to specify the line width of the font used to display and print characters for field names and data in Datasheet view. Read/write Integer. |
You can use the ForeColor property to specify the color for text in a control. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets the shade that is applied to the theme color in the ForeColor property of the specified object. Read/write Single. |
Gets or sets a value that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the ForeColor property of the specified object. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets the tint that is applied to the theme color in the ForeColor property of the specified object. Read/write Single. |
You can use the Format property to customize the way numbers, dates, times, and text are displayed and printed. Read/write String. |
You can use the FormatConditions property to return a read-only reference to the FormatConditions collection and its related properties. |
Gets or sets the color of the gridline for the specified combo box. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets the shade applied to the theme color in the GridlineColor property of the specified object. Read/write Single. |
Gets or sets the bottom gridline style of the specified combo box. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets the width of the bottom gridline for the specified combo box. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets the right gridline style of the specified combo box. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets the top gridline style of the specified combo box. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets the theme color index that represents a color in the applied color theme associated with the GridlineColor property of the specified object. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets the tint applied to the theme color in the GridlineColor property of the specified object. Read/write Single. |
Gets or sets the width of the bottom gridline for the specified combo box. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets the width of the left gridline for the specified combo box. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets the width of the right gridline for the specified combo box. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets the width of the top gridline for the specified combo box. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets the height of the specified object in twips. Read/write Integer. |
The HelpContextID property specifies the context ID of a topic in the custom Help file specified by the HelpFile property setting. Read/write Long. |
You can use the HideDuplicates property to hide a control on a report when its value is the same as in the preceding record. Read/write Boolean. |
Gets or sets an AcHorizontalAnchor constant that indicates how the combo box is anchored horizontally within its layout. Read/write. |
You can use the Hyperlink property to return a reference to a Hyperlink object. You can use the Hyperlink property to access the properties and methods of a control's hyperlink. Read-only. |
Language-specific information You can use the IMEHold/Hold KanjiConversionMode property to show whether the Kanji Conversion Mode is maintained when the control loses the focus. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the IMEMode property to set a control's Kanji Conversion Mode when the focus shifts to the control. Read/write. |
You can use the IMESentenceMode property to specify or determine the IME Sentence Mode of fields of a table or controls of a form that switch when the focus moves.Read/write. |
Gets or sets whether a combo box's value list is inherited from its field. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the InputMask property to make data entry easier and to control the values users can enter in a combo box control. Read/write String. |
You can use the InSelection property to determine or specify whether a control on a form in Design view is selected. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the IsHyperlink property to specify or determine if the data contained in a combo box is a hyperlink. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the IsVisible property in to determine whether a control on a report is visible. Read/write Boolean. |
The ItemData property returns the data in the bound column for the specified row in a combo box. Read-only Variant. |
You can use the ItemsSelected property to return a read-only reference to the hidden ItemsSelected collection. This hidden collection can be used to access data in the selected rows of a multiselect combo box control. |
You can use the KeyboardLanguage property to specify or determine the keyboard language on entry into a control. Read/write Byte. |
The property specifies the text alignment within attached labels on new controls. Read/write Byte. |
The LabelX property (along with the LabelY property) specifies the placement of the label for a new control. Read/write Integer. |
The LabelY property (along with the LabelX property) specifies the placement of the label for a new control. Read/write Integer. |
Returns the type of layout for the specified combo box. Read-only AcLayoutType. |
Returns the unique identifier for the layout that contains the specified combo box. Read-only Long. |
You can use the Left property to specify an object's location on a form or report. Read/write Integer. |
Along with the TopMargin, RightMargin, and BottomMargin properties, specifies the location of information displayed within a text box control. Read/write Integer. . |
Gets or sets the amount of space (in inches) between the combo box and its left gridline. Read/write Integer. |
You can use the LimitToList property to limit a combo box's values to the listed items. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the ListCount property to determine the number of rows in the list box portion of a combo box. Read/write Long. |
You can use the ListIndex property to determine which item is selected in a combo box. Read/write Long. |
Gets or sets the name of the form that is displayed when the user clicks Edit List Items. Read/write String. |
You can use the ListRows property to set the maximum number of rows to display in the list box portion of a combo box. Read/write Integer. |
You can use the ListWidth property to set the width of the list box portion of a combo box. Read/write String. |
The Locked property specifies whether you can edit data in a control in Form view. Read/write Boolean. |
You can use the Name property to specify or determine the string expression that identifies the name of an object. Read/write String. |
You can use the NumeralShapes property to specify or determine numeral shapes to be displayed and printed in a combo box, label, list box, or text box. Read/write Byte. |
You can use this property to set or returns the unedited value of the BorderStyle property for a form or control. This property is useful if you need to revert to an unedited or preferred border style. Read/write Byte. |
You can use the OldValue property to determine the unedited value of a bound control. Read-only Variant. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Change box in the Properties window of one of the objects in the Applies To list. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Click box in the Properties window. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Dbl Click box in the Properties window. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Dirty box in the Properties window of a form or report. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Enter box in the Properties window of specified object. Read/write String. . |
Sets or returns the value of the On Exit box in the Properties window of specified object. Read/write String. . |
Sets or returns the value of the On Got Focus box in the Properties window of the specified object. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Key Down box in the Properties window. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Key Press box in the Properties window. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Key Up box in the Properties window. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Lost Focus box in the Properties window of the specified object. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Mouse Down box in the Properties window. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Mouse Move box in the Properties window. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Mouse Up box in the Properties window. Read/write String. |
Sets or returns the value of the On Not in List box in the Properties window of a combo box. Read/write String. |
Returns or sets a String indicating which macro, event procedure, or user-defined function runs when the Undo event occurs. Read/write.. |
Returns the parent object for the specified object. Read-only. |
Returns a reference to a control's Properties collection object. Read-only. |
You can use the ReadingOrder property to specify or determine the reading order of words in text. Read/write Byte. |
Returns or sets the ADO Recordset or DAO Recordset object representing the record source for the specified object. Read/write Object. |
Along with the TopMargin, Left Margin, and BottomMargin properties, specifies the location of information displayed within a combo box control. Read/write Integer. |
Gets or sets the amount of space (in inches) between the combo box and its right gridline. Read/write Integer. |
You can use the RowSource property (along with the RowSourceType property) to tell Microsoft Access how to provide data tothe specified object. Read/write String. |
You can use the RowSourceType property (along with the RowSource property) to tell Microsoft Access how to provide data tothe specified object. Read/write String. |
You can use the ScrollBarAlign to specify or determine the alignment of a vertical scroll bar. Read/write Byte. |
You can identify these controls by the section of a form or report where the control appears. Read/write Integer. |
You can use the Selected property in Visual Basic to determine if an item in a combo box is selected. Read/write Long. |
The SelLength property specifies or determines the number of characters selected in the text box portion of a combo box. Read/write Integer. |
The SelStart property specifies or determines the starting point of the selected text or the position of the insertion point if no text is selected. Read/write Integer. |
The SelText property returns a string containing the selected text. Read/write String. |
Gets or sets the separator displayed between values when the combo box is bound to a multi-valued field. Read/write AcSeparatorCharacters. |
You can use the ShortcutMenuBar property to specify the shortcut menu that will appear when you right-click on the specified object. Read/write String. |
Gets or sets whether the combo box can display values that aren't specified by the RowSource property. Read/write Boolean. |
Returns a SmartTags collection that represents the collection of smart tags that have been added to a control. . |
You can use the SpecialEffect property to specify whether special formatting will apply to the specified object. Read/write Byte. |
You can use the StatusBarText property to specify the text that is displayed in the status bar when a control is selected. Read/write String. |
You can use the TabIndex property to specify a control's place in the tab order on a form or report. Read/write Integer. |
You can use the TabStop property to specify whether you can use the TAB key to move the focus to a control. Read/write Boolean. |
Stores extra information about a form, report, section, or control needed by a Microsoft Access application. Read/write String. |
You can use the Text property to set or return the text contained in the text box portion of a combo box. Read/write String. |
The TextAlign property specifies the text alignment in new controls. Read/write Byte. |
Gets or sets the font index that represents a font in the applied theme associated with the FontName property of the specified object. Read/write Long. |
You can use the Top property to specify an object's location on a form or report. Read/write Integer. . |
Along with the LeftMargin, RightMargin, and BottomMargin properties, specifies the location of information displayed within a text box control. Read/write Integer. |
Gets or sets the amount of space (in inches) between the combo box and its top gridline. Read/write Integer. |
You can use the ValidationRule property to specify requirements for data entered into a record, field, or control. When data is entered that violates the ValidationRule setting, you can use the ValidationText property to specify the message to be displayed to the user. Read/write String. |
Use the ValidationText property to specify a message to be displayed to the user when data is entered that violates a ValidationRule setting for a record, field, or control. Read/write String. |
Determines or specifies which value or option in the combo box is selected. Read/write Variant. |
Gets or sets an AcVerticalAnchor constant that indicates how the specified combo box is anchored vertically within its layout. Read/write. |
Returns or sets whether the object is visible. Read/write Boolean. |
Gets or sets the width of the specified object in twips. Read/write Integer. |
Name |
Description |
The AfterUpdate event occurs after changed data in a control or record is updated. |
The BeforeUpdate event occurs before changed data in a control or record is updated. |
The Change event occurs when the contents of the specified control changes. |
The Click event occurs when the user presses and then releases a mouse button over an object. |
The DblClick event occurs when the user presses and releases the left mouse button twice over an object within the double-click time limit of the system. |
The Dirty event occurs when the contents of the specified control changes. |
The Enter event occurs before a control actually receives the focus from a control on the same form or report. |
The Exit event occurs just before a control loses the focus to another control on the same form or report. |
The GotFocus event occurs when the specified object receives the focus. |
The KeyDown event occurs when the user presses a key while a form or control has the focus. This event also occurs if you send a keystroke to a form or control by using the SendKeys action in a macro or the SendKeys statement in Visual Basic. |
The KeyPress event occurs when the user presses and releases a key or key combination that corresponds to an ANSI code while a form or control has the focus. This event also occurs if you send an ANSI keystroke to a form or control by using the SendKeys action in a macro or the SendKeys statement in Visual Basic. |
The KeyUp event occurs when the user releases a key while a form or control has the focus. This event also occurs if you send a keystroke to a form or control by using the SendKeys action in a macro or the SendKeys statement in Visual Basic. |
The LostFocus event occurs when the specified object loses the focus. |
The MouseDown event occurs when the user presses a mouse button. |
The MouseMove event occurs when the user moves the mouse. |
The MouseUp event occurs when the user releases a mouse button. |
The NotInList event occurs when the user enters a value in the text box portion of a combo box that isn't in the combo box list. |
Occurs when the user undoes a change. |