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GroupLevel Members (Access)

You can use the GroupLevel property in Visual Basic to refer to the group level you are grouping or sorting on in a report.





You can use the Application property to access the active Microsoft Access Application object and its related properties. Read-only Application object.


You can use the ControlSource property to specify what data appears in a control. You can display and edit data bound to a field in a table, query, or SQL statement. You can also display the result of an expression. Read/write String.


You can use the GroupFooter property to create a group footer for a selected field or expression in a report. Read/write Boolean.


You can use the GroupHeader property to create a group header for a selected field or expression in a report. Read/write Boolean.


You can use the GroupInterval property with the GroupOn property to specify how records are grouped in a report. Read/write Long.


You can use the GroupOn property in a report to specify how to group data in a field or expression by data type. For example, this property lets you group a Date field by month. Read/write Integer.


You can use the KeepTogether property for a group in a report to keep parts of a group — including the group header, detail section, and group footer — together on the same page. For example, you might want a group header to always be printed on the same page with the first detail section. Read/write Byte.


Returns the parent object for the specified object. Read-only.


Returns a reference to a control's Properties collection object. Read-only.


You use the SortOrder property to specify the sort order for fields and expressions in a report. For example, if you're printing a list of suppliers, you can sort the records alphabetically by company name. Read/write Boolean.