다음을 통해 공유

TreeviewControl.Drilled Property (Excel)

Sets the "drilled" (expanded, or visible) status of the cube field members in the hierarchical member-selection control of a cube field. This property is used primarily for macro recording and isn’t intended for any other use. Read/write.


expression .Drilled

expression A variable that represents a TreeviewControl object.


The Drilled property accepts an array. Each element of the array corresponds to a level of the cube field that has been expanded. The maximum number of elements is the number of levels in the cube field. Each element of the array is an array of type String, containing unique member names that are visible (expanded) at the corresponding level of the control. See the TreeviewControl object’s Hidden property to determine when members are explicitly hidden in an expanded view.


This property does not return an array that represents the drilled status of the cube field members in the hierarchical member-selection control of a cube field.


This example expands the second-level members of the first cube field in the first PivotTable report on the active worksheet.

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").CubeFields(1) _ 
 .TreeviewControl.Drilled = _ 
 Array(Array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", _ 
 "", "", "", ""), _ 
 Array("[state].[states].[AB]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[CA]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[IN]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[KS]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[KY]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[MD]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[MI]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[OH]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[OR]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[TN]", _ 
 "[state].[states].[UT]", _ 

See Also


TreeviewControl Object

TreeviewControl Object Members