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XMLMapping Members

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Represents the XML mapping on a ContentControl object between custom XML and a content control. An XML mapping is a link between the text in a content control and an XML element in the custom XML data store for this document.

The XMLMapping type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Delete Deletes the XML mapping from the parent content control.
Public method SetMapping Allows creating or changing the XML mapping on a content control. Returns True if Microsoft Office Word maps the content control to a custom XML node in the document’s custom XML data store.
Public method SetMappingByNode Allows creating or changing the XML data mapping on a content control. Returns True if Microsoft Office Word maps the content control to a custom XML node in the document’s custom XML data store.



  Name Description
Public property Application Returns an _Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the add-in was created. Read-only Long.
Public property CustomXMLNode Returns a CustomXMLNode object that represents the custom XML node in the data store to which the content control in the document maps.
Public property CustomXMLPart Returns a CustomXMLPart object that represents the custom XML part to which the content control in the document maps.
Public property IsMapped Returns a Boolean that represents whether the content control in the document is mapped to an XML node in the document’s XML data store. Read-only.
Public property Parent Returns an Object that represents the parent object of the specified XMLMapping object.
Public property PrefixMappings Returns a String that represents the prefix mappings used to evaluate the XPath for the current XML mapping. Read-only.
Public property XPath Returns a String that represents the XPath for the XML mapping, which evaluates to the currently mapped XML node. Read-only.


See Also


XMLMapping Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace