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XlConstants Enumeration

Specifies a miscellaneous constant in Microsoft Word.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word (in Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll)


Public Enumeration XlConstants
Dim instance As XlConstants
public enum XlConstants


Member name Description
xlAutomatic Microsoft Word applies automatic settings, such as a color or page number, to the specified object.
xlCombination Combination.
xlCustom Microsoft Word applies custom settings, such as a color or error amount, to the specified object.
xlBar Two dimensional bar chart group or series.
xlColumn Columnar chart group or series.
xl3DBar Three-dimensional bar chart group or series.
xl3DSurface Three-dimensional surface chart group or series.
xlDefaultAutoFormat Microsoft Word applies default or automatic formatting.
xlNone Do not display error bars in the specified chart group or series.
xlAbove Summary row is displayed above the specified range.
xlBelow Summary row is displayed below the specified range.
xlBoth Display positive and negative error bars in the specified chart group or series.
xlBottom Bottom.
xlCenter Center.
xlChecker Checker pattern.
xlCircle Circle.
xlCorner Corner.
xlCrissCross Criss-cross pattern.
xlCross Cross pattern.
xlDiamond Diamond pattern.
xlDistributed Distributed.
xlFill Fill.
xlFixedValue Display error amounts as a fixed value.
xlGeneral General.
xlGray16 16% gray pattern.
xlGray25 25% gray pattern.
xlGray50 50% gray pattern.
xlGray75 75% gray pattern.
xlGray8 8% gray pattern.
xlGrid Grid pattern.
xlHigh High.
xlInside Inside.
xlJustify Justify.
xlLeft Left.
xlLightDown Light down line pattern.
xlLightHorizontal Light horizontal line pattern.
xlLightUp Light up line pattern.
xlLightVertical Light vertical line pattern.
xlLow Low.
xlMaximum Maximum.
xlMinimum Minimum.
xlMinusValues Minus values.
xlNextToAxis Next to axis.
xlOpaque Opaque fill.
xlOutside Outside.
xlPercent Display error amounts as a percentage.
xlPlus Display positive error bars in the specified chart group or series.
xlPlusValues Plus values.
xlRight Right.
xlScale Scale.
xlSemiGray75 75% semi-gray pattern.
xlShowLabel Show label.
xlShowLabelAndPercent Show label and percent.
xlShowPercent Show percent.
xlShowValue Show value.
xlSingle Single line.
xlSolid Solid pattern.
xlSquare Square.
xlStar Star.
xlStError Display error amounts as a standard error.
xlTop Top.
xlTransparent Transparent fill.
xlTriangle Triangle.

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace