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OMathDelim Members

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Represents a delimiter object, consisting of opening and closing delimiters (such as parentheses, braces, brackets, or vertical bars), and one or more elements contained inside the delimiters.

The OMathDelim type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application Returns a _Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Public property BegChar Returns or sets a Short that represents the beginning delimiter character in a OMathDelim object. Read/write.
Public property Creator Returns a 32-bit Integer that indicates the application in which the add-in was created. Read-only.
Public property E Returns an OMathArgs object that represents the list of arguments for the specified equation object. Read-only.
Public property EndChar Returns or sets an Short that represents the ending delimiter character in a OMathDelim object. Read/write.
Public property Grow Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether delimiter characters grow to the full height of the arguments that they contain. Read/write.
Public property NoLeftChar Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to hide the opening delimiter in a OMathDelim object. Read/write.
Public property NoRightChar Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether to hide the closing delimiter in a OMathDelim object. Read/write.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object of the specified OMathDelim object.
Public property SepChar Returns or sets a Short that represents the separator character in a OMathDelim object when the OMathDelim object contains two or more arguments. Read/write.
Public property Shape Returns or sets a WdOMathShapeType constant that represents the appearance of delimiters (for example, parentheses, braces, and brackets) in relationship to the content that they surround. Read/write.


See Also


OMathDelim Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace