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Page Members

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Represents a page in a workbook. Use the PageSetup object and the related methods and properties for programmatically defining page layout in a workbook.

The Page type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CenterFooter Specifies a picture or text to be center aligned in the page footer.
Public property CenterHeader Specifies a picture or text to be center aligned in the page header.
Public property LeftFooter Specifies a picture or text to be left aligned in the page footer.
Public property LeftHeader Specifies a picture or text to be left aligned in the page header.
Public property RightFooter Specifies a picture or text to be right aligned in the page footer.
Public property RightHeader Specifies a picture or text to be right aligned in the page header.


See Also


Page Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Namespace