다음을 통해 공유

PivotCache.RobustConnect Property (Excel)

Returns or sets how the PivotTable cache connects to its data source. Read/write XlRobustConnect.


expression .RobustConnect

expression A variable that represents a PivotCache object.


XlRobustConnect can be one of these XlRobustConnect constants.

xlAlways . The cache always uses external source information (as defined by the SourceConnectionFile or SourceDataFile property) to reconnect.

xlAsRequired . The cache uses external source info to reconnect using the Connection property.

xlNever . The cache never uses source info to reconnect.


The following example determines the setting for the cache connection and notifies the user. The example assumes a PivotTable exists on the active worksheet.

Sub CheckRobustConnect() 
 Dim pvtCache As PivotCache 
 Set pvtCache = Application.ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Item(1) 
 ' Determine the connection robustness and notify user. 
 Select Case pvtCache.RobustConnect 
 Case xlAlways 
 MsgBox "The PivotTable cache is always connected to its source." 
 Case xlAsRequired 
 MsgBox "The PivotTable cache is connected to its source as required." 
 Case xlNever 
 MsgBox "The PivotTable cache is never connected to its source." 
 End Select 
End Sub

See Also


PivotCache Object Members

PivotCache Object