다음을 통해 공유

Document.CustomDocumentProperties Property (Word)

Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the custom document properties for the specified document.


expression .CustomDocumentProperties

expression Required. A variable that represents a Document object.


Use the BuiltInDocumentProperties property to return the collection of built-in document properties.

Properties of type msoPropertyTypeString cannot exceed 255 characters in length.

For information about returning a single member of a collection, see Returning an Object from a Collection.


This example inserts a list of custom built-in properties at the end of the active document.

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content 
myRange.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd 
For Each prop In ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties 
 With myRange 
 .InsertAfter prop.Name & "= " 
 .InsertAfter prop.Value 
 End With 

This example adds a custom built-in property to Sales.doc.

thename = InputBox("Please type your name", "Name") 
Documents("Sales.doc").CustomDocumentProperties.Add _ 
 Name:="YourName", LinkToContent:=False, Value:=thename, _ 

See Also


Document Object Members

Document Object