다음을 통해 공유

AxisValues Enumeration

Axis Type

Namespace:  DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Diagrams
Assembly:  DocumentFormat.OpenXml (in DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll)


Public Enumeration AxisValues
Dim instance As AxisValues
public enum AxisValues


Member name Description
Self Self. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "self".
Child Child. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ch".
Descendant Descendant. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "des".
DescendantOrSelf Descendant or Self. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "desOrSelf".
Parent Parent. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "par".
Ancestor Ancestor. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ancst".
AncestorOrSelf Ancestor or Self. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "ancstOrSelf".
FollowSibling Follow Sibling. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "followSib".
PrecedingSibling Preceding Sibling. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "precedSib".
Follow Follow. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "follow".
Preceding Preceding. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "preced".
Root Root. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "root".
None None. When the item is serialized out as xml, its value is "none".

See Also


DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Diagrams Namespace