.gif) |
AlternativeFormatImportPart |
Defines the AlternativeFormatImportPart. |
.gif) |
AudioReferenceRelationship |
Defines AudioReferenceRelationship - represents internal Audio reference relationship to a MediaDataPart. |
.gif) |
CalculationChainPart |
Defines the CalculationChainPart. |
.gif) |
CellMetadataPart |
Defines the CellMetadataPart. |
.gif) |
ChartDrawingPart |
Defines the ChartDrawingPart. |
.gif) |
ChartPart |
Defines the ChartPart. |
.gif) |
ChartsheetPart |
Defines the ChartsheetPart. |
.gif) |
CommentAuthorsPart |
Defines the CommentAuthorsPart. |
.gif) |
ConnectionsPart |
Defines the ConnectionsPart. |
.gif) |
ControlPropertiesPart |
Defines the ControlPropertiesPart, this part is only available in Office2010. |
.gif) |
CoreFilePropertiesPart |
Defines the CoreFilePropertiesPart. |
.gif) |
CustomDataPart |
Defines the CustomDataPart, this part is only available in Office2010. |
.gif) |
CustomDataPropertiesPart |
Defines the CustomDataPropertiesPart, this part is only available in Office2010. |
.gif) |
CustomFilePropertiesPart |
Defines the CustomFilePropertiesPart. |
.gif) |
CustomizationPart |
Defines the CustomizationPart. |
.gif) |
CustomPropertyPart |
Defines the CustomPropertyPart. |
.gif) |
CustomUIPart |
.gif) |
CustomXmlMappingsPart |
Defines the CustomXmlMappingsPart. |
.gif) |
CustomXmlPart |
Defines the CustomXmlPart. |
.gif) |
CustomXmlPropertiesPart |
Defines the CustomXmlPropertiesPart. |
.gif) |
DataPart |
Defines DataPart - different with OpenXmlPart, this type of parts will be referenced by DataPartReferenceRelationship. |
.gif) |
DataPartReferenceRelationship |
Defines DataPartRelationship - represents internal reference relationship to a DataPart. |
.gif) |
DiagramColorsPart |
Defines the DiagramColorsPart. |
.gif) |
DiagramDataPart |
Defines the DiagramDataPart. |
.gif) |
DiagramLayoutDefinitionPart |
Defines the DiagramLayoutDefinitionPart. |
.gif) |
DiagramPersistLayoutPart |
Defines the DiagramPersistLayoutPart. |
.gif) |
DiagramStylePart |
Defines the DiagramStylePart. |
.gif) |
DialogsheetPart |
Defines the DialogsheetPart. |
.gif) |
DigitalSignatureOriginPart |
Defines the DigitalSignatureOriginPart. |
.gif) |
DocumentSettingsPart |
Defines the DocumentSettingsPart. |
.gif) |
DrawingsPart |
Defines the DrawingsPart. |
.gif) |
EmbeddedControlPersistenceBinaryDataPart |
Defines the EmbeddedControlPersistenceBinaryDataPart. |
.gif) |
EmbeddedControlPersistencePart |
Defines the EmbeddedControlPersistencePart. |
.gif) |
EmbeddedObjectPart |
Defines the EmbeddedObjectPart. |
.gif) |
EmbeddedPackagePart |
Defines the EmbeddedPackagePart. |
.gif) |
EndnotesPart |
Defines the EndnotesPart. |
.gif) |
ExcelAttachedToolbarsPart |
Defines the ExcelAttachedToolbarsPart. |
.gif) |
ExtendedFilePropertiesPart |
Defines the ExtendedFilePropertiesPart. |
.gif) |
ExtendedPart |
Class for all extended parts (Application specific part). |
.gif) |
ExternalRelationship |
Defines ExternalRelationship - represents external relationship. |
.gif) |
ExternalWorkbookPart |
Defines the ExternalWorkbookPart. |
.gif) |
FontPart |
Defines the FontPart. |
.gif) |
FontTablePart |
Defines the FontTablePart. |
.gif) |
FooterPart |
Defines the FooterPart. |
.gif) |
FootnotesPart |
Defines the FootnotesPart. |
.gif) |
GlossaryDocumentPart |
Defines the GlossaryDocumentPart. |
.gif) |
HandoutMasterPart |
Defines the HandoutMasterPart. |
.gif) |
HeaderPart |
Defines the HeaderPart. |
.gif) |
HyperlinkRelationship |
Defines HyperlinkRelationship - represents hyperlink relationship. |
.gif) |
IdPartPair |
Defines IdPartPair - represents (RelationshipId, OpenXmlPart) pair. |
.gif) |
ImagePart |
Defines the ImagePart. |
.gif) |
InternationalMacroSheetPart |
Defines the InternationalMacroSheetPart. |
.gif) |
LegacyDiagramTextInfoPart |
Defines the LegacyDiagramTextInfoPart. |
.gif) |
LegacyDiagramTextPart |
Defines the LegacyDiagramTextPart. |
.gif) |
MacroSheetPart |
Defines the MacroSheetPart. |
.gif) |
MailMergeRecipientDataPart |
Defines the MailMergeRecipientDataPart. Defines MailMergeRecipientDataPart. |
.gif) |
MainDocumentPart |
Defines the MainDocumentPart. |
.gif) |
MarkupCompatibilityProcessSettings |
Defines MarkupCompatibilityProcessingSettings. |
.gif) |
MediaDataPart |
Defines MediaDataPart - class to represent media (Audio, Video) data part in document. |
.gif) |
MediaReferenceRelationship |
Defines MediaReferenceRelationship - represents internal Media reference relationship to a MediaDataPart. |
.gif) |
NotesMasterPart |
Defines the NotesMasterPart. |
.gif) |
NotesSlidePart |
Defines the NotesSlidePart. |
.gif) |
NumberingDefinitionsPart |
Defines the NumberingDefinitionsPart. |
.gif) |
OpenSettings |
Defines OpenSettings - the settings when openning a document. |
.gif) |
OpenXmlPackage |
Defines OpenXmlPackage - base class for strong typed Open XML document classes. |
.gif) |
OpenXmlPackageException |
OpenXmlPackageException, exception class for errors. |
.gif) |
OpenXmlPackageValidationEventArgs |
Obsolete. Defines OpenXmlPackageValidationEventArgs. |
.gif) |
OpenXmlPackageValidationSettings |
Obsolete. Specifies the event handlers that will handle OpenXmlPackage validation events and the OpenXmlPackageValidationEventArgs. |
.gif) |
OpenXmlPart |
Abstract base class for all OpenXml parts. |
.gif) |
OpenXmlPartContainer |
Defines OpenXmlPartContainer - base class for OpenXmlPackage and OpenXmlPart. |
.gif) |
PartExtensionProvider |
A Part Extension Provider which maintains a (Content Type, Part Extension (".xml")) dictionary. Used in OpenXmlPackage derived classes. |
.gif) |
PivotTableCacheDefinitionPart |
Defines the PivotTableCacheDefinitionPart. |
.gif) |
PivotTableCacheRecordsPart |
Defines the PivotTableCacheRecordsPart. |
.gif) |
PivotTablePart |
Defines the PivotTablePart. |
.gif) |
PresentationDocument |
Defines PresentationDocument - an OpenXmlPackage represents a Presentation document |
.gif) |
PresentationPart |
Defines the PresentationPart. |
.gif) |
PresentationPropertiesPart |
Defines the PresentationPropertiesPart. |
.gif) |
QueryTablePart |
Defines the QueryTablePart. |
.gif) |
QuickAccessToolbarCustomizationsPart |
Defines the QuickAccessToolbarCustomizationsPart. |
.gif) |
ReferenceRelationship |
Defines ReferenceRelationship - represents reference relationship. Reference relationship can be internal or external. |
.gif) |
RibbonAndBackstageCustomizationsPart |
Defines the RibbonAndBackstageCustomizationsPart, this part is only available in Office2010. |
.gif) |
RibbonExtensibilityPart |
Defines the RibbonExtensibilityPart. |
.gif) |
SharedStringTablePart |
Defines the SharedStringTablePart. |
.gif) |
SingleCellTablePart |
Defines the SingleCellTablePart. |
.gif) |
SlicerCachePart |
Defines the SlicerCachePart, this part is only available in Office2010. |
.gif) |
SlicersPart |
Defines the SlicersPart, this part is only available in Office2010. |
.gif) |
SlideCommentsPart |
Defines the SlideCommentsPart. |
.gif) |
SlideLayoutPart |
Defines the SlideLayoutPart. |
.gif) |
SlideMasterPart |
Defines the SlideMasterPart. |
.gif) |
SlidePart |
Defines the SlidePart. |
.gif) |
SlideSyncDataPart |
Defines the SlideSyncDataPart. |
.gif) |
SmartTagsPart |
Defines the SmartTagsPart. |
.gif) |
SpreadsheetDocument |
Defines SpreadsheetDocument - an OpenXmlPackage represents a Spreadsheet document. |
.gif) |
SpreadsheetPrinterSettingsPart |
Defines the SpreadsheetPrinterSettingsPart. |
.gif) |
StyleDefinitionsPart |
Defines the StyleDefinitionsPart. |
.gif) |
StylesPart |
Defines StylesPart. The StylesPart served as the base class of StylesWithEffectsPart and StyleDefinitionsPart. |
.gif) |
StylesWithEffectsPart |
Defines the StylesWithEffectsPart, this part is only available in Office2010. |
.gif) |
TableDefinitionPart |
Defines the TableDefinitionPart. |
.gif) |
TableStylesPart |
Defines the TableStylesPart. |
.gif) |
ThemeOverridePart |
Defines the ThemeOverridePart. |
.gif) |
ThemePart |
Defines the ThemePart. |
.gif) |
ThumbnailPart |
Defines the ThumbnailPart. |
.gif) |
UserDefinedTagsPart |
Defines the UserDefinedTagsPart. |
.gif) |
VbaDataPart |
Defines the VbaDataPart. |
.gif) |
VbaProjectPart |
Defines the VbaProjectPart. |
.gif) |
VideoReferenceRelationship |
Defines VideoReferenceRelationship - represents internal Video reference relationship to a MediaDataPart. |
.gif) |
ViewPropertiesPart |
Defines the ViewPropertiesPart. |
.gif) |
VmlDrawingPart |
Defines the VmlDrawingPart. |
.gif) |
VolatileDependenciesPart |
Defines the VolatileDependenciesPart. |
.gif) |
WebSettingsPart |
Defines the WebSettingsPart. |
.gif) |
WordAttachedToolbarsPart |
Defines the WordAttachedToolbarsPart. |
.gif) |
WordprocessingCommentsPart |
Defines the WordprocessingCommentsPart. |
.gif) |
WordprocessingDocument |
Defines WordprocessingDocument - an OpenXmlPackage represents a Word document. |
.gif) |
WordprocessingPrinterSettingsPart |
Defines the WordprocessingPrinterSettingsPart. |
.gif) |
WorkbookPart |
Defines the WorkbookPart. |
.gif) |
WorkbookRevisionHeaderPart |
Defines the WorkbookRevisionHeaderPart. |
.gif) |
WorkbookRevisionLogPart |
Defines the WorkbookRevisionLogPart. |
.gif) |
WorkbookStylesPart |
Defines the WorkbookStylesPart. |
.gif) |
WorkbookUserDataPart |
Defines the WorkbookUserDataPart. |
.gif) |
WorksheetCommentsPart |
Defines the WorksheetCommentsPart. |
.gif) |
WorksheetPart |
Defines the WorksheetPart. |
.gif) |
WorksheetSortMapPart |
Defines the WorksheetSortMapPart. |
.gif) |
XmlSignaturePart |
Defines the XmlSignaturePart. |