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Exchange reports available in Office 365 Reporting web service

This topic lists the reports available in the Office 365 Reporting web service to administrators who have Exchange Online as part of their Office 365 subscription. These reports and the Reporting web service are not available for Exchange Server on-premises servers.

Which reports are available to a user depends on the administrator privileges they've been granted in the organization. Because the list of reports available to each user depends on their permissions, be careful that your application adjusts accordingly.

Applies to: Office 365


To retrieve a complete Reporting web service description document, use the following URL. The path is not case-sensitive.


Exchange email-related reports

Report name


ConnectionbyClientType* reports

The ConnectionbyClientTypeDaily, ConnectionbyClientTypeWeekly, ConnectionbyClientTypeMonthly and ConnectionbyClientTypeYearly REST URIs provide summary statistics about the Office 365 Exchange Online connections made, organized by what kind of client application was used. There are four reports that use the same overall structure, and differ only in the time interval over which they summarize the data: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. For simplicity, the four reports are detailed together.

ConnectionbyClientTypeDetail* reports

The ConnectionbyClientTypeDetailDaily, ConnectionbyClientTypeDetailWeekly, ConnectionbyClientTypeDetailMonthly and ConnectionbyClientTypeDetailYearly REST URIs provide detailed statistics about the Office 365 Exchange Online connections made, including the user name and what kind of client application was used. There are four reports that use the same overall structure, and differ only in the time interval over which they summarize the data: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. For simplicity, the four reports are detailed together.

GroupActivity* reports

The GroupActivityDaily, GroupActivityWeekly, GroupActivityMonthly, and GroupActivityYearly REST URIs provide summary statistics about the Office 365 organization group creation and deletion. There are four reports that use the same overall structure, and differ only in the time interval over which they summarize the data. For simplicity, the four reports are detailed together.

MailboxActivity* reports

The MailboxActivityDaily, MailboxActivityWeekly, MailboxActivityMonthly, and MailboxActivityYearly REST URIs provide summary statistics about the Office 365 organization mailbox creation and deletion. There are four reports that use the same overall structure, and differ only in the time interval over which they summarize the data. For simplicity, the four reports are detailed together.

MailboxUsage report

The MailboxUsage REST URI provides summary statistics about the Office 365 organization's mailbox usage. The report includes the number of mailboxes, how many mailboxes are getting full, and how many are not used much. To get more information about a particular mailbox, use this report with the MailboxUsageDetail report.

MailboxUsageDetail report

The MailboxUsageDetail REST URI provides more-detailed statistics about Office 365 mailbox usage. To get the summary information for the organization, use this report with the MailboxUsage report.

MailDetail report

The MailDetail REST URI is for internal use only. Request syntax checking is performed, however, no data will be returned by this report. This report name appears in the reporting.svc service description document but it should not be called.

MailDetailDlpPolicy report

The MailDetailDlpPolicy REST URI provides details about the Exchange Server mail data loss prevention (DLP) policies and rules used in processing email messages. The start and end date/time of the report can be specified in the request.

MailDetailMalware report

The MailDetailMalware REST URI provides details about the processing steps taken on email messages identified as containing malware while the message was being processed. The start and end date/time of the report can be specified in the request.

MailDetailSpam report

The MailDetailSpam REST URI provides details about the processing steps taken on email messages identified as containing spam while the message was being processed. The start and end date/time of the report can be specified in the request.

MailDetailTransportRule report

The MailDetailTransportRule REST URI provides details about the Exchange Server mail transport rules used in processing email messages. The start and end date/time of the report can be specified in the request.

MailFilterList report

The MailboxFilterList REST URI provides the string values allowed in other Office 365 reports. Items are grouped by SelectTarget values. Values in each group are intended to be used in $filter query options.

MailTraffic report

The MailTraffic and AdvancedThreatProtectionTraffic REST URIs provides summary information about mail traffic into and out from the organization. The start and end date/time of the report can be specified in the request, as can the time period over which the data is aggregated.

MailTrafficPolicy report

The MailTrafficPolicy REST URI provides summary information about mail traffic into and out from the organization. The start and end date/time of the report can be specified in the request, as can the time period over which the data is aggregated.

MailTrafficSummary reports

The MailTrafficSummary REST URI provides a summary list in a variety of categories related to messages processed through the organization's Office 365 email system. The start and end date/time of the report can be specified in the request, as can the time period over which the data is aggregated. This report returns 20 generically-named fields, and the data in them can change based on the other options.

MailTrafficTop report

The MailTrafficTop REST URI provides summary information about the users sending and receiving the greatest number of mail messages in the organization. The start and end date/time of the report can be specified in the request, as can the time period over which the data is aggregated.

MessageTrace report

The MessageTrace and URLTrace REST URIs provides summary information about the processing of email messages that have passed through the Office 365 system for that organization in the last 30 days.

MessageTraceDetail report

The MessageTraceDetail REST URI provides detailed information about the processing steps performed on email messages that have passed through the Office 365 system for that organization in the last 30 days.

MxRecordReport report

The MxRecordReport REST URI provides information about the Office 365 organization's current mail-exchanger (MX) DNS records. Use this report to help troubleshoot DNS configuration settings. This report doesn't have a time-duration like other reports, but instead reports the current MX record status.

OutboundConnectorReport report

The OutboundConnectorReport REST URI returns a list of the organization's configured Office 365 outbound email connectors (also known as "Send Connectors"). Use this report with the ServiceDeliveryReport report to help verify, monitor, and troubleshoot Mailflow and connector configuration issues. This report doesn't have a time-duration like other reports, but instead reports the currently configured outbound (send) connectors. For more information, see Exchange Server 2013 Connectors.

ServiceDeliveryReport report

The ServiceDeliveryReport REST URI provides configuration and status on the Office 365 organization's email Send Connectors (also known as "Outbound Connectors"). Use this report with the OutboundConnectorReport report to help verify, monitor, and troubleshoot Mailflow and connector configuration issues. This report doesn't have a time-duration like other reports, but instead reports the currently existing outbound (send) connectors. For more information, see Exchange Server 2013 Connectors.

StaleMailbox report

The StaleMailbox REST URI provides summary statistics about the number of Office 365 organization mailboxes that have not been accessed recently.

StaleMailboxDetail report

The StaleMailboxDetail REST URI provides detailed information about mailboxes in an Office 365 organization that have not been accessed recently.