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AudioVideoCall Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

AudioVideoCall class is the class which supports the audio-based and video-based communication.

The AudioVideoCall type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AudioVideoCall Creates a new instance of the AudioVideoCall and binds this call to the given conversation.



  Name Description
Public property ActiveMediaTypes Obsolete. (inherited from Call)
Public property ApplicationContext (inherited from Call)
Public property AudioVideoMcuRouting Gets the audio-video MCU routing object associated with this call.
Public property CallId (inherited from Call)
Protected property CanBeDeflected Gets whether the call has potential to be deflected to some other target than the original target. (Overrides Call.CanBeDeflected.)
Protected property CanHandleTransferReceived Gets whether call is handling the incoming refer messages. (Overrides Call.CanHandleTransferReceived.)
Public property Conversation (inherited from Call)
Public property DefaultMediaType Gets or sets the default media type for this call. (Overrides Call.DefaultMediaType.)
Public property Flow Gets the audio video flow associated with this call.
Public property IsEarlyMediaSupported (inherited from Call)
Public property IsReplacesSupported (inherited from Call)
Public property IsThirdPartyCallControl (inherited from Call)
Public property IsUsingGeneratedIdentity Gets whether the call is using a generated identity during call establishment to a trusted conference.
Public property LocalTag (inherited from Call)
Public property OriginalDestinationUri (inherited from Call)
Public property RemoteEndpoint (inherited from Call)
Public property RemoteEndpointProperties (inherited from Call)
Public property RemoteTag (inherited from Call)
Public property RouteSetStatus (inherited from Call)
Public property State (inherited from Call)
Public property SupportedMediaTypes Gets the list of supported Media names, which are acceptable m-lines in SDP offer/answer. (Overrides Call.SupportedMediaTypes.)



  Name Description
Public method BeginAccept(AsyncCallback, Object) (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginAccept(CallAcceptOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginEstablish(AsyncCallback, Object) (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginEstablish(AudioVideoCallEstablishOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Establishes an outgoing call using audio-video call specific options.
Public method BeginEstablish(CallEstablishOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginEstablish(String, CallEstablishOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginEstablish(CallOrbit, CallEstablishOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Initiates a call retrival request to the provisioned call park server using the given orbit information.
Public method BeginEstablishEarlyMedia(AsyncCallback, Object) Sends a provisional reliable response with a 183 response code SessionProgress; also creates an early dialog.
Public method BeginEstablishEarlyMedia(CallProvisionalResponseOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Sends a provisional reliable response with a 183 response code SessionProgress; will also create an early dialog.
Public method BeginEstablishEarlyMedia(Int32, CallProvisionalResponseOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Sends a provisional reliable response on the call; will also create an early dialog.
Protected method BeginHandleTermination Handles audio-video call specific termination. (Overrides Call.BeginHandleTermination(AsyncCallback, Object).)
Public method BeginPark Initiates a park request to the provisioned call park server.
Public method BeginSendInfo Obsolete. (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginSendMessage(MessageType, ContentDescription, CallSendMessageRequestOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Initiates an operation to send message to the remote participant of this call.
Protected method BeginSendMessage(MessageType, ContentType, [], IEnumerable<SignalingHeader>, AsyncCallback, Object) (inherited from Call)
Protected method BeginSendReliableProvisionalResponse (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginTerminate(AsyncCallback, Object) (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginTerminate(CallTerminateOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginTerminate(IEnumerable<SignalingHeader>, AsyncCallback, Object) (inherited from Call)
Public method BeginTransfer(String, AsyncCallback, Object) Initiates an attended transfer request to the remote participant.
Public method BeginTransfer(Call, AsyncCallback, Object) Initiates a transfer request to the remote participant.
Public method BeginTransfer(String, CallTransferOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Initiates a transfer request to the remote participant.
Public method BeginTransfer(Call, CallTransferOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Initiates a transfer request to the remote participant.
Public method BindMediaProvider (inherited from Call)
Public method Decline() (inherited from Call)
Public method Decline(CallDeclineOptions) (inherited from Call)
Public method EndAccept (inherited from Call)
Public method EndEstablish (inherited from Call)
Public method EndEstablishEarlyMedia This method is used to determine whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed
Protected method EndHandleTermination This method is used to determine whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed. (Overrides Call.EndHandleTermination(IAsyncResult).)
Public method EndPark This method is used to determine whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed
Public method EndSendInfo Obsolete. (inherited from Call)
Public method EndSendMessage This method is used to determine whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed
Protected method EndSendReliableProvisionalResponse (inherited from Call)
Public method EndTerminate (inherited from Call)
Public method EndTransfer This method is used to determine whether the corresponding operation completed successfully. This method will wait if the operation has not yet completed
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method Forward(String) Forward the call to the specified target URI with a response code of 303.
Public method Forward(String, CallForwardOptions) Redirect the audiovideo call to a different target URI.
Public method GetActiveMediaTypes (inherited from Call)
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Protected method GetMediaForDialReplaces Gets the media to be offered by the MCU for dial out replacements. (Overrides Call.GetMediaForDialReplaces().)
Public method GetNewEarlyDialog (inherited from Call)
Public method GetTraceCorrelationID (inherited from Call)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method HandleCallMessageReceived Handles call messages that are received. (Overrides Call.HandleCallMessageReceived(CallMessageReceivedEventArgs).)
Protected method HandleFlowConfigurationRequested This method handles flow created event reported by the provider via the base call. (Overrides Call.HandleFlowConfigurationRequested(MediaFlow).)
Protected method HandleForwardReceived A method that must be implemented by the derived class to handle the forward response received for a call. (Overrides Call.HandleForwardReceived(CallForwardReceivedEventArgs).)
Protected method HandleMessageReceived Obsolete. (inherited from Call)
Protected method HandleStateChange (inherited from Call)
Protected method HandleTransferNotificationReceived A method that must be implemented by the derived class to handle the notifications received for a transfer operations sent. (Overrides Call.HandleTransferNotificationReceived(TransferStateChangedEventArgs).)
Protected method HandleTransferReceived A method must be implemented by the derived class to handle the transfer received event. The subclass is responsible for either rejecting the event without exposing it to the application, or raising a strongly typed event. (Overrides Call.HandleTransferReceived(CallTransferReceivedEventArgs).)
Public method IsSupportedMediaType (inherited from Call)
Protected method MakeCallback (inherited from Call)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Protected method ProcessIncomingInviteHeaders Check the interesting headers for the call and initialize the needed call properties. (Overrides Call.ProcessIncomingInviteHeaders(IEnumerable<SignalingHeader>).)
Protected method RaiseEvent<TEventArg> (inherited from Call)
Public method SendProvisionalResponse Sends a provisional response synchronously with optional support for early media.
Public method ToString (inherited from Object)
Public method UnbindMediaProvider (inherited from Call)



  Name Description
Public event AudioVideoFlowConfigurationRequested Raised when AudioVideoFlow is created. Applications can use this event handler to register for flow related event handlers and optionally set flow configuration.
Public event CallMessageReceived Raised when a SIP message is received in this call.
Public event ConversationChanged (inherited from Call)
Public event Forwarded Raised when the call is forwarded.
Public event InfoReceived Obsolete. (inherited from Call)
Public event MediaTroubleshootingDataReported Raised when the current call has media troubleshooting data to be reported to the application.
Public event ProvisionalResponseReceived (inherited from Call)
Public event RemoteParticipantChanged (inherited from Call)
Public event RouteSetStatusChanged (inherited from Call)
Public event StateChanged (inherited from Call)
Public event TransferReceived Raised when the current call is transferred.
Public event TransferStateChanged Raised when the state of the transfer changes as notified by the remote participant.


See Also


AudioVideoCall Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.AudioVideo Namespace