다음을 통해 공유

ConferenceInvitationStateTransitionReason Enumeration

Reasons for conference invitation state transition.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration
Assembly:  Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration (in Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.dll)


Public Enumeration ConferenceInvitationStateTransitionReason
Dim instance As ConferenceInvitationStateTransitionReason
public enum ConferenceInvitationStateTransitionReason


Member name Description
None No reason specified or unknown reason.
Ringing One of the remote endpoints is ringing. Only raised once.
Accepted Invitation has been accepted by the recipient.
DeliverFailed Invitation delivery failed.
TerminatedLocally User invoked BeginAccept and server responded with ACK
TerminatedRemotely The signaling session was terminated by the server
Deflected No reason specified.

A 181 was received with no ms-retarget-reason parameter in the history info header or with no history info header at all.

DeflectedWithUnknownReason Reason specified is unknown.





DeflectedToAnotherDestination Invitation is being forwarded to another target.

The ms-retarget-reason parameter is set to "forwarding".

DeflectedToTeam Invitation is being forwarded as a team call.

The ms-retarget-reason parameter is set to "team-call".

DeflectedToDelegate Invitation is being forwarded to a delegate.

The ms-retarget-reason parameter is set to "delegation".

FallingBackToMcuDialOut Invitation deliver is falling back to an MCU dial-out.

See Also


Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration Namespace