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Topic Last Modified: 2007-10-03

The ERR enum is returned by many functions of the CCheckSGFiles class. This enum indicates the results of the called function.


Enum ERR 
        errSuccess = 0,
        errTaskDropped = -106,
        errRequiredLogFilesMissing = -543,
        errInvalidParameter = -1003,
        errOutOfMemory = -1011,
        errReadVerifyFailure = -1018,
        errTooManyActiveUsers = -1059,
        errDatabaseCorrupted = -1206


  • errSuccess
    0. The function completed without any errors.
  • errTaskDropped
    -106. Returned by ErrTerm() to indicate that not all database pages and transaction log files were checked, or that errors were encountered during the verification.
  • errRequiredLogFilesMissing
    -543. One or more log files that are required to bring the database to a clean-shutdown state was not found in the log file path, or did not have the specified three-letter base name.
  • errInvalidParameter
    -1003. One or more parameters that were passed to the function were invalid.
  • errOutOfMemory
    -1011. Insufficient memory was available to complete the requested operation.
  • errReadVerifyFailure
    -1018. The checksum that is stored on a database page does not match its expected checksum.
  • errTooManyActiveUsers
    -1059. The ErrTerm() function was called while the object was still being used. This can occur if ErrTerm() is called before ErrCheckDbPages() or ErrCheckLogFiles() has returned.
  • errDatabaseCorrupted
    -1206. Some form of corruption was detected in the database.


When you are calling this API on a computer on which the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Administrative Tools role is installed on Microsoft Windows XP, use the 32-bit version of this API.

When you are calling this API on a computer on which Exchange 2007 is installed on a 64-bit version of Windows, use the 64-bit version of this API.

The account that the application is running under must have read access permissions to the database and log files that are to be checked.