FROM Predicate
Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-13
The Structured Query Language (SQL) FROM Predicate is used in the SQL SELECT Statement to indicate where the search takes place.
In the above syntax "URL" is the URL of a folder in an Exchange store where the shallow traversal search is to take place.
This is an example of a simple SQL query string. In the third line, strURL is a string containing the URL of the folder to be searched. In the fourth line, sender is a string containing the name of a sender.
'construct the SQL query
strQ = "SELECT ""urn:httpmail:subject"" "
strQ = strQ & "FROM """ & strURL & """ "
strQ = strQ & "WHERE ""urn:schemas:httpmail:sendername"" = '" & sender & "'"
The optional SQL SCOPE Element can also be used in the FROM Predicate:
FROM SCOPE('[shallow|deep|hierarchical] traversal of "URL"')
The SCOPE Element is used to specify the depth of the search. See the SCOPE Element topic for more information about this optional statement.