languagecode Field
Topic Last Modified: 2008-08-01
The languagecode field specifies the language code that is used to localize message response text that is inserted when you reply to or forward a message.
Full Name
Named Constant
Response text is only generated if the field is set to TRUE.
The format of the language codes is defined in RFC 1766 and are used to identify the language code identifier (LCID) value for a particular locale. The language codes that are supported by CDO for Exchange 2000 Server (CDOEX) are listed in the following table.
Language | LCID Decimal (Hex) | RFC 1766 code |
Arabic (Saudi Arabia) |
1025 (0x401) |
ar-sa |
Bulgarian |
1026 (0x402) |
bg |
Catalan |
1027 (0x403) |
ca |
Chinese |
1028 (0x404) |
zh-tw |
Czech |
1029 (0x405) |
cs |
Danish |
1030 (0x406) |
da |
German |
1031 (0x407) |
de |
Greek |
1032 (0x408) |
el |
US English |
1033 (0x409) |
en-us |
Finnish |
1035 (0x40B) |
fi |
French |
1036 (0x40C) |
fr |
Hebrew |
1037 (0x40D) |
he |
Hungarian |
1038 (0x40E) |
hu |
Italian |
1040 (0x410) |
it |
Japanese |
1041 (0x411) |
ja |
Korean |
1042 (0x412) |
ko |
Dutch |
1043 (0x413) |
nl |
Norwegian |
1044 (0x414) |
no |
Polish |
1045 (0x415) |
pl |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
1046 (0x416) |
pt-br |
Romanian |
1048 (0x418) |
ro |
Russian |
1049 (0x419) |
ru |
Croation |
1050 (0x41A) |
hr |
Slovak |
1051 (0x41B) |
sk |
Swedish |
1053 (0x41D) |
sv |
Thai |
1054 (0x41E) |
th |
Turkish |
1055 (0x41F) |
tr |
Ukranian |
1058 (0x422) |
uk |
Slovenian |
1060 (0x424) |
sl |
Estonian |
1061 (0x425) |
et |
Latvian |
1062 (0x426) |
lv |
Lithuanian |
1063 (0x427) |
lt |
Basque |
1069 (0x42D) |
eu |
Chinese |
2052 (0x804) |
zh-cn |
Potruguese (Portugal) |
2070 (0x816) |
pt |
Serbian* |
2074 (0x81A) |
sr |
Spanish |
3082 (0xC0A) |
es |
Serbian (sr) is only supported in versions of CDOEX that shipped with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and later.