다음을 통해 공유

IsDirty Property

Topic Last Modified: 2006-06-13

Specifies whether or not the local data has been altered since the last save to the currently bound data source.

Applies To

IDataSource Interface

Type Library

Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library

DLL Implemented In



Property IsDirty As Boolean


  • pVal
    Returns the value of the IsDirty property as a reference to a VARIANT_BOOL.
  • Val
    Sets the value of the IsDirty property to the value of the VARIANT_BOOL.


After binding to a data source such as an applicable object or to an item in the Exchange store, there are two copies of the data: the local data, and the data at the data source. When changes are made to the local copy of the data, this flag switches to True (VARIANT_TRUE), indicating that the local copy " is dirty" when compared to the data in the data source. The IsDirty flag is reset to False (VARIANT_FALSE) whenever the local data is saved back into the bound object using the Save Method. Additionally, the flag is also reset whenever the object is re-bound using the Open Method, the OpenObject Method, the SaveTo Method, the SaveToContainer Method, and the SaveToObject Method.

The IsDirty property does not reflect that changes have subsequently occurred to the data in a bound data source since the time it was bound.