다음을 통해 공유

CalendarPropertyReader Members

The CalendarPropertyReader structure returns information about properties in an iCalendar data stream.

The following tables list the members exposed by the CalendarPropertyReader type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
Aa564145.pubproperty(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Name The Name property gets the name of the current property.
Aa564145.pubproperty(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ParameterReader The ParameterReader property gets a CalendarParameterReader structure to read the parameters on the current property.
Aa564145.pubproperty(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif PropertyId The PropertyId property returns a PropertyId structure that identifies the current property.
Aa564145.pubproperty(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ValueType The ValueType property gets the type of the current value.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from ValueType )
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif GetHashCode  (inherited from ValueType )
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif GetValueReadStream The GetValueReadStream method returns a stream that can be used to read the current value.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadNextProperty The ReadNextProperty method moves to the next property.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadNextValue The ReadNextValue method moves to the next property value.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValue The ReadValue method reads the current value and returns it as an object that best represents its underlying type.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsBoolean The ReadValueAsBoolean method reads the current value and returns it as a Boolean.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsBytes The ReadValueAsBytes method reads the current value and returns it as an array of bytes.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsCalendarPeriod The ReadValueAsCalendarPeriod method reads the current value and returns it as a CalendarPeriod structure.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsCalendarTime The ReadValueAsCalendarTime method reads the current value and returns it as a CalendarTime structure.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsDateTime Overloaded. The ReadValueAsDateTime method overloads interpret date and time information in an iCalendar data stream.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsDouble The ReadValueAsDouble method returns the current value as a double precision floating point value.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsFloat The ReadValueAsFloat method returns the current value as a single precision floating point value.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsInt32 The ReadValueAsInt32 method returns the current value as a 32-bit integer.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsRecurrence The ReadValueAsRecurrence method returns the current value as a Recurrence object.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsString The ReadValueAsString method returns the current value as a string.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReadValueAsTimeSpan Overloaded. The ReadValueAsTimeSpan method overloads return the current value as TimeSpan objects.
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gifAa564145.static(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
Aa564145.pubmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif ToString  (inherited from ValueType )


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Aa564145.protmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
Aa564145.protmethod(en-us,EXCHG.80).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
