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What's New in the Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 Application API?

Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1

What's New in the Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 Application API?

The Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 Server Application API contains enhancements to support:

  • Application communication

    Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 provides a mechanism that enables the same application deployed on multiple servers to communicate. When an application receives a request, it can "stamp" the request, which adds a header informing all downstream instances of the application in the message path that it has processed the request. Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 Enterprise Edition makes use of this stamping technology to enable applications running on two or more servers to communicate.

    For more information about application communication, see Message (MSPL), Message (Microsoft.Rtc.Sip), Message.Stamp, Message.StampPool, and ServerAgent.Pool.

  • Presence-based routing

    An MSPL script application can now access a registered endpoint's XML presence document to route incoming requests to particular devices for individual end users. The application uses a new function, GetXMLAttr() to obtain relevant presence information from a registered endpoint XML presence document, including the devicename and EPID of the appropriate device. The presence information thus obtained can, if desired, be dispatched to managed code.

    For more information about presence-based routing, see the PresenceDoc property of the RegistrarEndpoint class and GetXMLAttr.

  • Federation and outside-user scenarios

    Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 introduces the role of the Access Proxy, which enables communication between the corporate network and outside users or federated networks, such as branch offices. The Access Proxy intercepts all SIP traffic from both inside and outside the corporate network and routes it depending on whether the message arrived at the internal or external edge of the Access Proxy, or was created locally. The Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 Server Applications API enables third-party applications to determine the origin of SIP messages, using either MSPL or managed code.

    For more information about message origins, see Message (MSPL) and AuthenticationInfo.Origin

  • Flat file access from the Microsoft SIP Processing Language

    MSPL scripts now have the ability to read UTF8 text files containing columnar data delimited by commas, tabs, or white spaces. This ability enables application developers to read name-value pairs for the purpose of creating look-up tables for such information as phone numbers or registration pools.

    Each flat file can be at most 128KB in size. The total size of all flat files loaded by a single script is 512KB. If either of these constraints is exceeded, the application fails to load. If these limits are exceeded when reloading a non-static flat file, the application is terminated.

    For more information about flat file access, see MSPL Script Syntax and Application Attributes

  • Hashing and string operations

    MSPL now provides new functions to enable hashing and additional string operations.

    For more information about hashing and additional string functions, see HashString, IndexOfString, and LengthString

  • Application compatibility

    MSPL and the managed code library now use the xmlns tag on the <application manifest> node to distinguish between Live Communications Server 2003 and Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 server applications. A Live Communications Server 2003 application should see the same behavior of both MSPL and managed code on Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 as it did in the earlier release. However, in Enterprise Edition topologies, application changes are recommended to ensure expected behavior.

    For more information about application compatibility, see Deploying Applications in New Server Topologies.

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