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MSFT_SIPTroubleShootingSetting class

Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1


The MSFT_SIPTroubleShootingSetting class supports a new logging mechanism that

  • Provides an audit trail of user behavior and
  • Assists in troubleshooting routing and security configuration issues.

The mechanism logs both SIP traffic and critical events related to server operations in a readily usable text format to a flat file.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

class MSFT_SIPTroubleShootingSetting
  boolean EnableEventCopying;
  boolean EnableFileLogging;
  uint32 HighWaterMarkForLowDiskSpace;
  [key] string InstanceID;
  string LastAdminRollover;
  string LogFileDirectory;
  uint32 LogLevel;
  uint32 LowWaterMarkForLowDiskSpace;
  uint32 MaxFileSize;


This class does not define any methods.


The MSFT_SIPTroubleShootingSetting class has the following properties.

  • EnableEventCopying
    Data type: boolean

    Indicates whether all Microsoft Windows NT application event log entries from Live Communications Server are copied to the flat file log. These events would not be throttled in the flat-file logging mechanism.

    Value Description
    False Event log entries are not copied to the flat file log.
    True Event log entries are copied to the flat file log.

    The default value is false. This property cannot be NULL. This property is required on creation and can be updated.

  • EnableFileLogging
    Data type: boolean

    Determines whether the logging feature is disabled or not.

    Value Description
    False Logging is disabled.
    True Logging is enabled.

    The default value is false.

  • HighWaterMarkForLowDiskSpace
    Data type: uint32

    The percentage of the total disk size that is full. When this value is reached, the server stops logging until the value set for LowWaterMarkForLowDiskSpacePercent is reached. Acceptable values are 25 to 100 (%). The default value is 85. This property cannot be NULL. This property is required on creation and can be updated.

  • InstanceID
    Data type: [key] string

    A GUID value that uniquely identifies the troubleshooting settings. The GUID must be encapsulated between the "{" and "}" braces; for example: "{01234567-0123-4567-89AB-CDEF01234567}".

    This property cannot be updated and is required on creation.

  • LastAdminRollover
    Data type: string

    A time stamp that indicates when the administrator wants the SIP logging module to force logging file rollover. Note, the current log file is always rolled over when any one of the following three events occurs: an admin requests forced rollover by means of this setting, every day at midnight, and size of the current log file exceeds the MaxFileSize setting.

    This property is optional on creation and can be updated.

  • LogFileDirectory
    Data type: string

    The file system directory in which the log file is located. The default of NULL in WMI is updated during setup to the LogFiles subdirectory beneath the installation directory. Must not be NULL if EnableFileLogging is true.

    This property is optional on creation and can be updated.

  • LogLevel
    Data type: uint32

    Defines the level of logging performed by the server if EnableFileLogging is set to true. Acceptable values are 1, 2, 3, or 4. Each successively higher level adds more information and finer granularity. The default value is 1. This property cannot be NULL. This property is required on creation and can be updated.

  • LowWaterMarkForLowDiskSpace
    Data type: uint32

    The percentage of the total disk size that is full. If the server has stopped logging because it reached the value set for HighWaterMarkForLowDiskSpacePercent, it will resume logging once the percentage of available disk space drops to this value. Acceptable values are 0 to 100 (%). The default value is 80. This property cannot be NULL. This property is required on creation and can be updated.

  • MaxFileSize
    Data type: uint32

    The maximum allowed size for a log file. Acceptable values are from 1 to 2047 (Mb). The default value is 20. This property cannot be NULL. This property is required on creation and can be updated.


The instance of this class can only be updated.


Server: Installed on Windows Server 2003 with Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1.
Namespace: Defined in \root\cimv2.

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