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MSFT_SIPFederationDirectPartnerTable class

Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1


The MSFT_SIPFederationDirectPartnerTable class lists the domains that are direct federation partners.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

class MSFT_SIPFederationDirectPartnerTable
  string DirectPartnerName;
  [key] string Domain;
  string EdgeProxyAddress;
  uint32 IncomingTLSCountForDirectPartnerRoute;
  uint32 OutgoingTLSCountForDirectPartnerRoute;
  string UserVerificationLevel;


This class does not define any methods.


The MSFT_SIPFederationDirectPartnerTable class has the following properties.

  • DirectPartnerName
    Data type: string

    A display name for the connection to a particular Access Proxy. This setting enables representation in MMC (Microsoft Management Console) of all federated domains served by one Access Proxy under a single display name. Names may be up to 256 characters in length.

    This property is optional and can be updated.

  • Domain
    Data type: [key] string

    The FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of a federation partner. This name should be unique across all instances of this class and should not already exist in the deny list for the Access Proxy. There can be multiple domains assigned to a single Access Proxy. Names may be up to 256 characters in length.

    This property is required and cannot be updated.

  • EdgeProxyAddress
    Data type: string

    The FQDN of an Access Proxy. This address should be unique to a DirectPartnerName and should not be associated with more than one DirectPartnerName.

    This property is required and can be updated.

  • IncomingTLSCountForDirectPartnerRoute
    Data type: uint32

    The maximum number of incoming TLS connections allowed on the server for a direct partner. The valid range of values is between 1 and 256. The default value is 40. This value cannot be NULL.

    This property is required on creation and can be updated.

  • OutgoingTLSCountForDirectPartnerRoute
    Data type: uint32

    The number of outgoing TLS connections that the server will initiate to a direct partner. The valid range of values is between 1 and 256. The default value is 4. This value cannot be NULL.

    This property is required on creation and can be updated.

  • UserVerificationLevel
    Data type: string

    Indicates the verification level for requests from this domain as a control for spam.

    Value Description
    AlwaysVerifiable All messages from the domain are considered verifiable. If the header is not present, it will be added
    AlwaysUnverifiable Requests are only allowed to pass if the user being requested has an allow ACE for the subscriber.
    UseSourceVerification Use that domain's asserted verification level, which is passed by headers on the requests. If unmarked, the messages will be marked as unverified.

    This property is required and can be updated.


Instances of this class can be added, updated, and deleted.


Server: Installed on Windows Server 2003 with Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1.
Namespace: Defined in \root\cimv2.

See Also

Live Communications Server WMI Reference

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