다음을 통해 공유

ContactProperty Enumeration


Namespace: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook
Assembly: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook (in microsoft.windowsmobile.pocketoutlook.dll)


public enum ContactProperty
Public Enumeration ContactProperty


Member name Description
AccountName The contact's account name.
AllCommunicationMethods All communication methods. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array.
AllEmail All email addresses. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array.
AllInstantMessaging All instant messaging addresses. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array.
AllPhone All telephone numbers. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array.
AllPhoneAndSIM All telephone and SIM numbers. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array.
AllTextMessaging All text messaging addresses. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array.
AllVoice All voice numbers. This property is used with the contact chooser dialog, and the WindowsMobile.Forms.ChooseContactDialog.RequiredProperties array.
Anniversary The contact's wedding anniversary date.
AssistantName The name of the contact's assistant.
AssistantTelephoneNumber The contact's assistant's telephone number.
Birthday The contact's birthdate.
Body The text Notes of the PIM item
BodyInk The ink Notes of the PIM item
Business2TelephoneNumber The contact's second business telephone number.
BusinessAddress The contact's business address.
BusinessAddressCity The city name in the contact's business address.
BusinessAddressCountry The country/region name in the contact's business address.
BusinessAddressPostalCode The postal code in the contact's business address.
BusinessAddressState The state name in the contact's business address.
BusinessAddressStreet The street name in the contact's business address.
BusinessFaxNumber The contact's business fax number.
BusinessTelephoneNumber The contact's business telephone number.
CarTelephoneNumber The contact's car telephone number.
Categories A comma-separated list of the categories that apply to this item
Children The names of the contact's children.
CompanyName The contact's company name.
CompanyTelephoneNumber The contact's company telephone number.
CustomerId The contact's customer ID.
Department The contact's department name.
DisplayName The contact's name as it should appear in the user interface
Email1Address The contact's e-mail address.
Email2Address The contact's second e-mail address.
Email3Address The contact's third e-mail address.
FileAs The filing string for the contact.
FirstName The contact's first name.
FolderCategories A comma-separated list of all the categories that are used in this folder
GovernmentId The contact's government ID.
Home2TelephoneNumber The contact's second home telephone number.
HomeAddress The contact's home address.
HomeAddressCity The city name in the contact's home address.
HomeAddressCountry The country/region name in the contact's home address.
HomeAddressPostalCode The postal code in the contact's home address
HomeAddressState The state name in the contact's home address.
HomeAddressStreet The street name in the contact's home address.
HomeFaxNumber The contact's home fax number.
HomeTelephoneNumber The contact's home telephone number.
IM1Address The contact's Instant Messaging address.
IM2Address The contact's second Instant Messaging address.
IM3Address The contact's third Instant Messaging address.
JobTitle The contact's job title.
LastName The contact's last name.
Manager The contact's manager's name.
MiddleName The contact's middle name.
Mms The contact's MMS address.
MobileTelephoneNumber The contact's mobile telephone number.
Nickname The contact's nickname.
OfficeLocation The contact's office location.
OtherAddress The contact's other address.
OtherAddressCity The city name in the contact's other address.
OtherAddressCountry The country/region name in the contact's other address.
OtherAddressPostalCode The postal code in the contact's other address
OtherAddressState The state name in the contact's other address.
OtherAddressStreet The street name in the contact's other address.
PagerNumber The contact's pager number.
Picture The contact's picture.
RadioTelephoneNumber The contact's radio telephone number.
Recent A value indicating whether this PIM item is in the "recently viewed" list
RingTone The custom ring tone for the contact.
SIMPhone The contact's telephone number stored on the telephone's SIM card.
SmartProperty The property id of the property that is used as the primary communication method for the contact.
Sms The contact's SMS address.
SourceId An integer indicating the source, or owning application, of the PIM item. Zero is the default.
Spouse The contact's spouse's name.
Suffix The contact's name suffix.
Title The contact's title.
WebPage The address of the contact's web page.
YomiCompanyName The contact's company name rendered in the Japanese Yomigana phonetic system.
YomiFileAs The contact's filing string rendered in the Japanese Yomigana phonetic system.
YomiFirstName The contact's first name rendered in the Japanese Yomigana phonetic system.
YomiLastName The contact's last name rendered in the Japanese Yomigana phonetic system.

See Also


Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook Namespace