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AutoRedraw Property

AutoRedraw Property

Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated.



[propput] HRESULT put_AutoRedraw ([in] VARIANT_BOOL AutoRedraw);
[propget] HRESULT get_AutoRedraw ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL*

[Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0]

Public Property Get AutoRedraw() As Boolean
Public Property Let AutoRedraw(ByVal isAutoRedraw As Boolean)

Property Value

VARIANT_BOOL Value that specifies whether an ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated.

This property is read/write.

TRUE Default. The ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated.
FALSE The ink collector does not repaint the ink when the window is invalidated.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description
S_OK Success.
E_POINTER The AutoRedraw parameter is an invalid pointer.
E_INK_EXCEPTION An exception occurred while processing.
E_INVALIDARG The flag is invalid.


If TRUE, the ink collector repaints the ink when the window is invalidated. For example, if you minimize the window and then restore it, the ink is automatically redrawn. If FALSE, the ink collector does not repaint the ink when the window is invalidated. For example, if you minimize the window and then restore it, the ink disappears from the screen.

When AutoRedraw is FALSE, the ink appears while inking unless the DynamicRendering property is false.

When your application is performing custom rendering or when your application is sensitive to painting issues, you can handle the repainting yourself and set the AutoRedraw property to FALSE for the InkCollector object, the InkOverlay object, or the InkPicture control. Use the events in the following table to handle the repainting.

Object or Control Event
InkCollector Object The underlying control's Invalidated and Paint events.
InkOverlay Object The underlying control's Invalidated and Paint events.
InkPicture Control InkPicture control's inherited Invalidated and Paint events.


[Visual Basic 6.0]

This Visual Basic 6.0 example returns the AutoRedraw value of an InkCollector.

Dim isAutoRedrawSet As Boolean
isAutoRedrawSet = theInkCollector.AutoRedraw

Applies To