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Implementation Notes for the StylusInput APIs

Implementation Notes for the StylusInput APIs

Description of Component Object Model (COM) implementation in the StylusInput APIs

The RealTimeStylus, GestureRecognizer, and DynamicRenderer classes are implemented as COM wrappers and are only available in Managed code.

When the RealTimeStylus, GestureRecognizer, or DynamicRenderer object is added as a plug-in to a RealTimeStylus object, the underlying COM objects interact on the COM level. Therefore, directly calling the methods of the IStylusSyncPlugin or IStylusAsyncPlugin interfaces is not supported. Adding the RealTimeStylus, GestureRecognizer, or DynamicRenderer object to the RealTimeStylus object is the only way to access these features. The RealTimeStylus, GestureRecognizer, or DynamicRenderer object cannot be wrapped by other plug-ins.