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Viewing Pin Connection Information

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

Viewing Pin Connection Information

  • Note   This topic is deprecated. It applies to Visual Basic 6.0. DirectShow is not supported for Visual Basic .NET or C#.

When you have obtained a pin object from the collection available from the IFilterInfo.Pins property of the filter object, you can list its connection and other information.

  Dim strTemp As String 
  On Error Resume Next 
  Dim objPin As IPinInfo 
  For Each objPin In g_objSelFilter.Pins 
    If objPin.Name = listPins.Text Then ' selected in list box? 
      Set g_objSelPin = objPin  'yes, get all information 
      strTemp = ""  ' clear existing displayed pin information 
      Dim objPinOther As IPinInfo 
      Set objPinOther = objPin.ConnectedTo 
      If Err.Number = 0 Then  ' yes, there is a connection 
        strTemp = "Connected to pin: " + objPinOther.Name + " " 
        Dim objPeer As IFilterInfo 
        Set objPeer = objPinOther.FilterInfo 
        strTemp = strTemp + " on filter: " + objPeer.Name + " " 
        Dim objMTI As IMediaTypeInfo 
        Set objMTI = objPin.ConnectionMediaType 
        strTemp = strTemp + vbCrLf + "Media Type: " + objMTI.Type 
      End If 
      If objPin.Direction = 0 Then 
        strTemp = strTemp + " " + vbCrLf + "Direction: Input" 
        strTemp = strTemp + " " + vbCrLf + "Direction: Output" 
      End If 
    txtPinInfo.Text = strTemp 
    End If 
  Next objPin