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Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


The Reconnect method performs a dynamic reconnection between two pins.


  HRESULT Reconnect(
  IPin *pOutputPin,
  IPin *pInputPin,
  const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtFirstConnection,
  IBaseFilter *pUsingFilter,
  HANDLE hAbortEvent,
  DWORD dwFlags



[in] Pointer to an output pin. Can be NULL, in which case pInputPin must not be NULL.


[in] Pointer to an input pin. Can be NULL, in which case pOutputPin must not be NULL.


[in] Pointer to an AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure that specifies the media type for the first pin connection made during the reconnection. If this parameter is NULL, the first connection can have any media type.


[in] Pointer to an optional filter to use in the reconnection. The filter must already be in the graph. Can be NULL.


[in] Handle to an event. If the caller is a filter calling on one of its data processing threads, this parameter should be a handle to an event that will be signaled when the filter is put into a stopped state. Otherwise, this parameter can be NULL. For more information, see Remarks.


[in] Combination of flags from the AM_GRAPH_CONFIG_RECONNECT_FLAGS enumeration, specifying how to perform the reconnection.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if successful. Otherwise, returns an error code that may be one of the following values, or others not listed.

Return code Description
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument. (For example, both pInputPin and pOutputPin are NULL.)
E_NOINTERFACE Input pin does not support IPinConnection.
VFW_E_CANNOT_CONNECT Unable to connect filter.
VFW_E_STATE_CHANGED The state of the filter changed. Unable to complete the operation.


If you specify only one pin, the method will search for the other pin. By default, however, the search fails if it reaches a filter that was added to the graph by means of the IFilterGraph::AddFilter method. To override this behavior, call IGraphConfig::SetFilterFlags and set the AM_FILTER_FLAGS_REMOVABLE flag on the filter.

The reconnection process involves several steps, most of them handled inside this method:

  1. First, before calling the method, make sure to block the flow of data along the path that is being reconfigured. Applications should call the IPinFlowControl::Block method to do this. If the caller is a filter, rather than an application, possibly the filter can control the data flow internally.
  2. The specified output and input pins define the starting and ending points for the reconnection. The input pin must support the IPinConnection interface. If you leave one of these pins unspecified (by passing a NULL parameter), the method searches the filter graph to find a candidate pin for reconnection. (To find an input pin, it searches downstream from the output pin; to find an output pin, it searches upstream from the input pin.)
  3. The method pushes any pending data through the filter graph (through an internal call to IGraphConfig::PushThroughData).
  4. If you have specified a filter to insert into the graph, the method connects the starting output pin to the filter's input pin, and connects the filter's output pin to the final input pin. If you do not specify a filter, the method simply connects the output pin to the input pin. In either case, the method inserts any transform filters required to complete the connections. (However, you can override this behavior by setting the appropriate flag; for more information see the description of the dwFlags parameter.)
  5. Finally, the method places the new filters into a running state. It is up to the caller to restart the data flow. Applications can do this by calling IPinFlowControl::Block with no flags.

If a filter calls this method on one of its own data processing threads, it creates the potential for a deadlock. The method obtains a lock on the filter graph, which can block the filter from stopping on receiving a call to IMediaFilter::Stop. To prevent this situation, the method takes a handle to an event object provided by filter. The filter should signal the event if it receives a call to its Stop method.


Header: Declared in Strmif.h; include Dshow.h.

Library: Use Strmiids.lib.

See Also