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IAMTVTuner Interface

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IAMTVTuner Interface

The IAMTVTuner interface controls a TV tuner. The TV Tuner filter implements this interface. Applications can use this interface to set TV channels and to get or set information about their frequencies, and to determine what analog video standards your TV tuner card supports.

The interface supports tuners for analog broadcast television and AM/FM radio. It supports tuners with multiple input pins, to enable multiple devices and multiple transmission types. The TV Tuner filter supports worldwide tuning coverage. It maps TV channels to specific frequencies through the IAMTuner::put_Channel and IAMTVTuner::AutoTune methods. These methods handle the details of the conversion, so that the hardware driver receives an exact frequency.

In addition to the methods inherited from IAMTuner, the IAMTVTuner interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_AvailableTVFormats Retrieves all the analog video TV standards that the tuner supports.
get_TVFormat Retrieves the current analog video TV standard in use.
AutoTune Scans for a precise signal on the channel's frequency.
StoreAutoTune Saves the fine-tuning information for all channels.
get_NumInputConnections Retrieves the number of TV sources plugged into the tuner filter.
put_InputType Sets the tuner input type (cable or antenna).
get_InputType Retrieves the input type.
put_ConnectInput Sets the hardware tuner input connection.
get_ConnectInput Retrieves the hardware tuner input connection.
get_VideoFrequency Retrieves the current video frequency.
get_AudioFrequency Retrieves the current audio frequency.


Header: Declared in Strmif.h; include Dshow.h.

Library: Use Strmiids.lib.

See Also