다음을 통해 공유


Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


The EndOfStream method notifies the pin that no additional data is expected. This method implements the IPin::EndOfStream method.


  HRESULT EndOfStream(void);

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value. Possible values include those shown in the following table.

Value Description
S_OK Success.
S_FALSE Pin is currently flushing.
VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED The output pin is not connected.
VFW_E_RUNTIME_ERROR A run-time error occurred.
VFW_E_WRONG_STATE The pin is stopped.


This method calls the filter's CTransformFilter::EndOfStream method to deliver the end-of-stream notification downstream.


**  Header:** Declared in Transfrm.h; include Streams.h.

**  Library:** Use Strmbase.lib (retail builds) or Strmbasd.lib (debug builds).

See Also

CTransformInputPin Class